Pre-Passover Repentence

Mr. Wallace Lawton      03-10 2012

Encouragement provided in an examination of ourselves in light of the human condition of “none being righteous” when compared to Christ’s character, the character of God, being our goal. Examination of our covenant with God at baptism is reviewed.  How we come before God at the Passover is a vital element to the eventual completion of that covenant.  Included in this sermon is an examination of the 10 commandments, and some examples of how they relate to our self-examination.

All Thanks To God And Christ

Mr. Robert Ardis   03-27-2010

The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. As a human Christ could not sin. We need to desire to keep the Passover in a worthy manner and renew our contract with God. Only then can He make His abode within us, and for us to see His plan of salvation fulfilled.

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