Why Choose Slavery When God’s Love Is Abundant

Mr. John Rudolph   01-25-2025

As in times past, God is now having to determine while we are in the flesh, if we are willing to endure test, trials and persecution for our faith.  We are having to fight daily to be here against the wiles of the devil. Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are approaching.

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The Vision To Forgive – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     03-30-2024  from  04-02-2016)

Do we partake the Passover service in an unworthy manner if we are not forgiving toward others? Forgiving others benefits ourselves not only physically but spiritually as well. We must measure our forgiveness by God’s standards.

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The Passover And Days Of Unleavened Bread – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     03-35-2023  (from 03-30-2013)

God’s plan did not cease with the death of Christ. The plan of salvation began with it. Jesus was our example in the flesh. God expects us to stop sinning. We must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

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Pre-Passover Repentance – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton   03-04-2023   (from 03-04-2017)

Encouragement provided in an examination of ourselves in light of the human condition of “none being righteous” when compared to Christ’s character, the character of God, being our goal. Examination of our covenant with God at baptism is reviewed. How we come before God at the Passover is a vital element to the eventual completion of that covenant.

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All Thanks To God And Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   04-09-2022   (from 03-19-2016 )

The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. As a human Christ could not sin. We need to desire to keep the Passover in a worthy manner and renew our contract with God. Only then can He make His abode within us, and for us to see His plan of salvation fulfilled.

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Passover – Are We Prepared? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    03-01-2020  (from 03-11-2012)

Are we prepared to keep the Passover in a worthy manner? The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. Christ was resurrected by the Father. It is an eternal law that only life can give life! In our walk with Christ we MUST remain worthy. Our trials help us in preparing to be worthy. The Passover opens the door for us to attain to eternal life.

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The Evening Of The Passover – LDUB – PM Service

Mr. John Durrad   04-21-2014

The first Passover was a life or death issue. We all will have to choose between life and good, and death and evil. The Passover is a unique ceremony. Having a correct understanding of when to keep it, of its symbols and how to take it worthily, is a matter of life and death. The Father has and will continue to reject the traditions of men concerning the Passover.

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Passover – Are We Prepared?

Mr. John Durrad     03-11-2012

Are we prepared to keep the Passover in a worthy manner? The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. Christ was resurrected by the Father. It is an eternal law that only life can give life! In our walk with Christ we MUST remain worthy. Our trials help us in preparing to be worthy. The Passover opens the door for us to attain to eternal life.

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