Are You HOT For God’s Work?

Mr. John Durrad      01-21-2012

Instruction is provided in the attitude we should have in approaching God’s work and the keeping of His commandments. Proof that continued growth in God’s grace and knowledge, and the zealous maintenance of it, is imperative to remaining “Hot” for God’s work. We must not develop a lukewarm attitude!

Four Thousand Years Late

Mr. Wallace Lawton      01-14-2012

How by inadvertently keeping God’s commandments and instructions have some physicians in the world all but eradicated various illnesses in recent years? How also can a lack of obedience to God’s commandments and instructions decimate mankind?

The Chosen of God

Mr. Gerry Ardis          01-07-2012

Many are called but few are chosen. Are you called AND CHOSEN? This sermon gives a Biblical explanation of the difference between being just called and being called AND CHOSEN. It also contains a review of Herbert W. Armstrong’s – Seven Laws of Success.

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Faithful Transitiion

Mr. John Durrad    12-10-2011

Where is the true church today amongst all of the splits and splinters from the Worldwide Church of God? There must be a natural transition to where Christ is working today.  This sermon explores this faithful transition to the time we are in now.

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