Identify God’s Church

Mr. John Durrad    11-08-2014

We must identify God’s true church before we can worship in spirit and truth.  There will be one work and one church before Christ returns. God’s true church will have certain characteristics such as: 1. use God’s governmental structure from the top down, 2. must be true to God’s Word, 3. will keep the Sabbath and feasts of God, 4. understand the true nature of mankind, 5. proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God with a warning message, 6. identify the nations of modern Israel, tithing laws etc. and developing the mind of God to be able to resist Satan.

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Faithful Transitiion

Mr. John Durrad    12-10-2011

Where is the true church today amongst all of the splits and splinters from the Worldwide Church of God? There must be a natural transition to where Christ is working today.  This sermon explores this faithful transition to the time we are in now.

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