Your Spiritual CV – Part 3

Mr. Wallace Lawton      11-16-2019

This sermon discusses why we MUST destroy our souls! Our soul is our CV (curriculum vitae or resumè). Once called we MUST rewrite or change our CV, which is a record of our life. What convinces God that our new CV shows that we are willing to change to be more like Christ?

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A Review Of Tithing – Revisited

Mr John Durrad    11-09-2019    (from  05-21-2016)

Tithing teaches man obedience to God. We have a spiritual ministry of salvation today and we are commanded to give tithes and offerings for God’s work. First, second and third tithes are discussed and how they are to be used. Tithe of the tithe and free will offerings are also addressed. We must strive to make our investments an Eternal one!

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Teachers In The Kingdom

Mr. John Durrad    11-02-2019

Christ is now discerning who His pillars will be. As future pillars, we are currently in training for the World Tomorrow in order to teach God’s ways. Five important qualities of a good teacher is discussed. 1) Knowing the subject to be taught, 2) Setting a good example, 3) Using authority properly, 4) Communicating well, 5) Showing outgoing concern for others.

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Your Spiritual CV Part 2

Mr. Wallace Lawton   10-26-2019

This in depth sermon centers mainly around two bible verses Mathew 10:28 and Mark 8:35. At death God preserves the human soul. The soul involves more than physical life, it contains the record of our life in order that the individual can have 20/20 vision of their life at the time of resurrection and judgement by God. This record is not destroyed by death.

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Last Great Day 2012 – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  10-21-2019 (from 10-08-2012)  LGD 2019-AM Service

Jesus used nothing but parables to speak to crowds during His ministry on earth, but explained the deep meanings of the parables to His disciples. We only in CGF understand the great meaning of “in the which”, the Day of the Lord, where all of the plans of God the Father and Jesus Christ will be fulfilled.

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Your Spiritual CV – Part 1

Mr. Wallace Lawton   10-20-2019  Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 7

A record is made of all of our doings while in the flesh. This record survives our death. This record is the basis for the individual judgement that we each receive from God. God will not give us an immortal body if our mind is carnal. We MUST renew our minds to “think like God”, with the help of the holy Spirit, NOW while in the flesh.

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Picture Of The World Tomorrow – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   10-19-2019   (from 09-28-2015)  Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 6

It is important that we remember what we know and build on it by God’s word. God has a purpose for each of us. God is creating God beings now. It is important that we remember God’s truth and maintain it. We must learn God’s culture now to be ready for our calling and the job God has designed for each of us.

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The Book Of Life – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    10-17-2019  (from 13-10-11)  – Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 4

There are three books that Christians must be aware of: The Bible, The Book of Remembrance, and The Book of Life. Mankind in general does not know the meaning and the purpose of The Book of Life. The Book of Life is NOT the Bible. However, the Bible is the standard from which we all will be judged. Knowledge and our actions with respect to each of these books can determine  the eternal destiny of each individual.

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Blueprint For A Godly Family

Mr. Wallace Lawton   10-16-2019   Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 3

Most of the pain we have in life can be caused by poor relationships. God wants us to develop Godly family relationships now before we enter the God family. This sermon discusses eleven ways how we can change and treat family members differently. These are: 1)  Love and accept one another, 2) Pray for one another, 3) Always tell the truth in the family, 4) Be kind to one another, 5) Bring joy to one another, 6) Serve one another, 7) Be patient with one another, 8) Comfort one another, 9) Forgive one another, 10) Be generous with one another, 11) Honor one another.

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The Wonderful World Tomorrow – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad      10-15-2019     (from 10-14-2014)  Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 2

All is not good in the world today. Man has no solution for the many problems of this world, but God does! There are three world visions for the future: 1) destruction by nuclear and five other means (chemical, biological, overpopulation, disease, pollution), 2) science technology will bring man into a utopian society – a gigantic Disneyland, 3) God’s solution – the new peaceful World Tomorrow. In the World Tomorrow God will have solutions for ALL of man’s problems.

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