Gavin Newsom Runs Abortion Billboards Saying Killing Babies is “Loving Your Neighbor”

Micaiah Bilger – September 15, 2022

California Gov. Gavin Newsom quoted a well-known Bible verse about “loving your neighbor” to promote the killing of unborn babies in abortions this week in a new ad campaign targeting pro-life states.

On billboards going up in Mississippi and Oklahoma, the Democrat governor asserts that California is demonstrating Christian love by helping women abort their unborn babies and using tax dollars to pay for them.

“Want an abortion? California is ready to help,” one billboard states. Beneath the words are the Bible verse Mark 12:21: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” It also advertises a new, taxpayer-funded California government website that promotes abortions.

Newsom’s election campaign is paying for pro-abortion billboards in seven states that protect unborn babies from abortion, the governor announced Thursday. They are Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Oklahoma.

He admitted that his goal is to encourage women to come to California to abort their unborn babies.

“Just launched billboards in 7 of the most restrictive anti-abortion states that explain how women can access care–no matter where they live,” the governor wrote on Twitter. “To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your own health.”

Florida House Committee Passes Pro-Life Bill to Save Babies From Abortion

Micaiah Bilger – Jan 28, 2022

Despite abortion activists’ continuous disruptions, a Florida House committee advanced legislation Thursday to protect unborn babies by banning abortions after 15 weeks.

Florida Politics reports pro-abortion protesters repeatedly interrupted the meeting with shouts and chants before the state House Healthcare Appropriations Subcommittee voted 10-5 to move forward with the bill.

The Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act (House Bill 5) would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Exceptions would be allowed if the mother’s life is at risk or the unborn baby has a fatal disorder. It also includes measures to reduce infant mortality and a requirement that abortion facilities report suspected human trafficking cases to the state.

The legislation has a good chance of passing the Republican-controlled state legislature, and Gov. Ron DeSantis recently “welcomed” pro-life legislation. Polls consistently show strong public support for banning abortion after the first trimester as well.

On Thursday, committee members listened to more than an hour of public comment before ending public discussion to allow lawmakers time to debate before they voted, according to the report.

However, a female abortion activist interrupted their discussion, and security guards escorted her out of the room. As they did, other abortion activists began chanting “Let her speak!”, eventually prompting lawmakers to stop the meeting and clear the room, WTSP 10 Tampa Bay reports. Later, they allowed people back inside and reconvened the meeting.

Abortion activists accused lawmakers of not allowing them to speak, but Andy Shirvell, executive director for Florida Voice for the Unborn, who attended the meeting, said the abortion activists monopolized the public comment period.

“One pro-abortion activist after another testified, with only one pro-life advocate able to speak,” Shirvell said. “Many pro-lifers, including myself, were there to testify but we never got the chance.”

He speculated that the committee chair may have given more time to abortion activists in an attempt to mollify them, but the opposite occurred.

“As grateful as Florida Voice for the Unborn is for today’s victory, nonetheless what took place at the subcommittee hearing was completely unacceptable,” Shirvell said.

Human Rights Commissioner Says Killing Babies in Abortions is a “Human Right”

Micaiah Bilger – November 10, 2021

A European human rights commissioner demanded Wednesday that Poland legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions, claiming this destruction of innocent human beings is a “human right” and abortion bans amount to “torture.”

Politico reports Dunja Mijatović, the commissioner for human rights for the Council of Europe, criticized Poland’s protections for unborn babies in a report to the European Court of Human Rights.

Her report came out ahead of an expected vote Thursday in European Parliament on a resolution to condemn Poland for its pro-life laws, according to the report.

Poland is one of the few countries in Europe that protects unborn babies from abortions. In 2020, its high court struck down an exception allowing abortions on unborn babies with disabilities. The country now allows abortions only in cases of rape, incest or threats to the mother’s life.

In her report this week, Mijatović argued that the 2020 ruling had a “harmful impact on women’s human rights” in Poland, and countries have a “human rights” obligation to legalize abortion on demand.

She insisted that Poland urgently overturn its pro-life laws and make abortion legal and easily accessible.

Abortions destroy the most basic human right of all, the right to life for babies in the womb. Yet, international leaders and abortion activists are trying to spin the issue by claiming the killing of unborn babies is a human right and laws that protect them are “cruel” and “torture.”

Mijatović did this in her report, quoting the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which claims that “criminalization of abortion, denial or delay of safe abortion and/or post-abortion care, forced continuation of pregnancy … are forms of gender-based violence that, depending on the circumstances, may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.”

However, these international human rights leaders completely ignore the inhumane cruelty and torture that unborn babies suffer when they are killed in abortions. Some unborn babies are dismembered alive while their hearts are still beating, others are stabbed in the heart with poison.

House Democrats Pass Most Radical Pro-Abortion Bill Ever, Overturning Every Pro-Life Law Nationwide

Micaiah Bilger – Sepember 24, 2021

The U.S. House passed a radical pro-abortion bill Friday that would force states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without limits up to birth nation-wide.

The deceptively named Women’s Health Protection Act passed in a 218-211 vote with one Democrat joining Republicans in voting against it. No Republicans supported the pro-abortion legislation.

Democrat leaders portrayed the bill as the “codification” of Roe v. Wade into federal law, but the legislation goes far beyond Roe.

Pro-life leaders said the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act is a more accurate name for the bill. The legislation would erase basically all restrictions on abortion and prevent states from enacting even modest protections for unborn babies. Limits on late-term abortions and bans on sex-selection abortions would be gone.

The legislation would get rid of laws that protect women and girls, too, including parental consent for minors and informed consent laws that ensure mothers receive basic facts about their unborn baby’s development before going through with an abortion.

The text of the bill states, “A health care provider has a statutory right under this Act to provide abortion services, and may provide abortion services, and that provider’s patient has a corresponding right to receive such services, without any of the following limitations or requirements,” and then lists numerous examples of pro-life laws and regulations.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, a leading pro-life congressman from New Jersey, lamented how abortion activists have gone to extraordinary lengths for decades to ignore “the battered baby victim” of abortion.

“For the first time ever by congressional statute, H.R. 3755 would legally enable the death of unborn baby girls and boys by dismemberment, decapitation, forced expulsion from the womb, deadly poisons, or other methods at any time until birth,” Smith said.

New Mexico Committee Passes Bill Allowing Abortions Up to Birth

Micaiah Bilger – January 28, 2019

New Mexico moved closer to adopting a radical new law allowing abortions for basically any reason up to birth on Saturday.

State House Bill 51 passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs committee in a 3-2 vote, with all Democrats voting in favor and all Republicans voting against, according to Newsweek.

Sponsored by state Rep. Joanne Ferrary, the bill would repeal a state statute from the 1960s that prohibits abortions except in cases of rape, incest or threats to the mother’s life. The statute is not in effect because of Roe v. Wade, but if the Supreme Court overturns the case, it would go into effect again.

Ferrary’s bill would change that. Instead of being one of nine states that would make it a crime for an abortionist to kill an unborn baby, New Mexico would become a state that allows abortions without restriction, the Albuquerque Journal reports. Essentially, unborn babies could be aborted for any reason up to birth.

In addition, it would remove conscience protections for medical professionals who believe it is wrong to abort unborn babies.

“The committee’s willingness to pass this careless bill without consideration of amendments to limit abortion up to birth after five months, and other concerns most New Mexicans have is a disgrace,” said New Mexico Alliance for Life Executive Director Elisa Martinez. “Forcing doctors to participate in abortions up to birth is the stated goal of proponents behind this bill and New Mexicans must rise up against this radical bill.”

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People

Steven Ertelt, Micaiah Bilger – December 31, 2019

More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2019, a new report indicates.

A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion, statistics compiled by Worldometers indicate that there were over 42.3 million abortions world-wide in 2019. The independent site collects data from governments and other reputable organizations and then reports the data, along with estimates and projections, based on those numbers.

When contrasting the abortion numbers to other causes of death, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents and suicide, abortions far outnumbered every other cause.

By contrast, 8.2 million people died from cancer in 2019, 5 million from smoking, 13 million from disease, and 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS. Deaths by malaria and alcohol are also recorded.

Worldometers estimates about 58.6 million deaths world-wide in 2019, but that number does not include unborn babies’ abortion deaths. Unborn babies are not recognized as human beings even though biology indicates that they are unique, living human beings from the moment of conception and they die brutal, violent deaths in abortions.

The abortion number is incomprehensible, but each of those 42 million abortions represents a living human being whose life was violently destroyed in their mother’s womb. Each unborn baby already had their own unique DNA, making them distinct from their mother. That DNA indicated if the child was a boy or girl, their eye and hair color, their height, possible genetic disorders and other disabilities, and much more. In most cases, the unborn babies’ hearts are beating when they are aborted, too.

In America, just under 1 million babies are aborted every year. Though abortion rates have been dropping in the past decade, abortion remains the leading cause of death in the United States as well.