Monkeypox Case Confirmed in US

Newsmax – July 19, 2021

A case of monkeypox has been confirmed in an American who had recently traveled to Nigeria, U.S. health officials reported. Officials believe the threat of the virus spreading to others is low.

Monkeypox is a rare but potentially serious viral illness that’s in the same family of viruses as smallpox, but causes a milder infection, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It typically begins with flu-like illness and swelling of the lymph nodes, then progresses to a widespread rash on the face and body. Most infections last 2-4 weeks.

The infected person is now hospitalized in Dallas, the CDC said.

Officials are working to contact airline passengers and others who may have come into contact with the patient during two flights: Lagos, Nigeria, to Atlanta on July 8, with arrival on July 9; and Atlanta to Dallas on July 9, the CDC said.

The passengers were required to wear masks on their flights and in the U.S. airports due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so it’s believed that the risk of spread of monkeypox is believed to be low, the CDC said in a news release.

The strain of monkeypox in this case is one that’s most commonly seen in parts of West Africa, and is fatal in about 1 in 100 people. But the risk can be higher in people with weakened immune systems.

DEVELOPING: Outbreaks of a drug-resistant superbug fungus reported in Texas and Washington

Outbreaks of a drug-resistant “superbug” fungus spread among patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities in Texas and Washington, D.C., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. The fungus, Candida auris, preys on people with weakened immune systems. The CDC said evidence suggests these cases involved person-to-person transmission, which would be a first for the U.S.

The clusters in the two cities appear to be unrelated to each other, the report said. The 30-day mortality in both outbreaks combined was 30%, although other health conditions may also have played a role.

Candida auris, which was first seen in the U.S. in 2013, is “resistant to multiple anti-fungal drugs that we have, and it’s also resistant to all the things that we use to eradicate bacteria and fungal strains in the hospital,” Dr. Neeta Ogden, an internal medicine specialist, told CBS News in 2019 after health officials issued a warning about the emerging threat.

Of 101 cases of the fungus identified in Washington, D.C., from January to April 2021, three were isolated as being resistant to all three major classes of anti-fungal medications. Those cases occurred at a long-term care facility for severely ill patients.

There were 22 cases identified in Texas during the same period, with two being resistant to all three anti-fungal medications, and five resistant to two of the medications. Those seven cases were found in patients at two acute care hospitals, one long-term and one short-term; two of the patients were treated at both hospitals. The CDC did not identify the facilities, but CBS DFW reports they were both in the Dallas area.

“This is really the first time we’ve started seeing clustering of resistance” in which patients seemed to be getting the infections from other patients, said the CDC’s Dr. Meghan Lyman, an author of the report.

At least seven states report mosquitoes carrying disease that can paralyze humans

Christian Spencer – July 8, 2021

Mosquito bites are annoying at best, and, at worst, can lead to illnesses like malaria, Zika virus and West Nile virus. New reports show at least six states are detecting mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus — and humans have contracted the disease in four of these places.

Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts and New York have found mosquitoes that carry the potentially paralyzing illness, according to a report from Best Life.

West Nile virus has also been detected in Colorado for the first time this season, according to health officials and reporting by Denver ABC 7.

The Colorado health department says mosquitoes are more prevalent this year thanks to hotter weather and more rain.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois and Iowa have confirmed cases in humans.

In New York, officials informed residents on July 2 that two groups of mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile virus in Rockland County. No humans have been reported as contracting the disease in New York.

The infected mosquitoes in Rockland County were found and trapped in Orangetown and Clarkstown on the week of June 21.

“This is typically the time of the year we expect to see a rise in West Nile virus activity, and these positive mosquito pools confirm that,”County Health Commissioner Patricia Schnabel Ruppert said in the statement.

Parents File Lawsuit against Washington D.C. over Law Allowing Officials to Vaccinate Children without Parental Consent

Amanda Casanova – July 15, 2021

Parents in Washington, D.C., are suing the District over a new law that allows officials to vaccinate children in public schools without parental consent.

According to The Christian Post, the parents say they have a religious objection to the “Minor Consent to Vaccinations Act of 2020,” which was passed into law in November and went into effect in March.

The law allows children ages 11 and older to decide to receive a vaccination if they are deemed “capable of meeting the informed consent standard” and “able to comprehend … significant risks ordinarily inherent in the medical care.”

The law also allows insurance providers to seek reimbursement for the vaccination without parental consent, and insurance companies do not have to provide an “Explanation of Benefits,” which would give the vaccination details.

Four parents filed suit with support from the Children’s Health Defense and the Parental Rights Foundation.

“The D.C. Act is reckless, unconstitutional, and needlessly endangers children’s lives by stripping away parental protection and the protection of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986,” said Mary Holland, president and general counsel of the Children’s Health Defense, in a statement.

“The Minor Consent Act subverts the right and duty of parents to make informed decisions about whether their children should receive vaccinations, by both depriving them of the opportunity to make those decisions and by concealing from parents that their children have been asked to consent to vaccinations or may have indeed been vaccinated.”

District of Columbia Public Schools are not requiring the COVID-19 vaccination to enroll, but the district could vaccinate eligible students for COVID-19 under the new law.

In May, Lewis Ferebee, chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, sent an email to parents saying it was their “responsibility” to get vaccinated if they wanted to see their children back in school classrooms.

Birds are dying in the United States and no one knows why

DW – July 7, 2021

While humans and other animals continue to grapple with COVID-19, a new epidemic seems to have hit multiple bird species in North America.

Across the United States, people have been finding dead birds. The birds appear to have been hit by a wave of mysterious illnesses since April.

Ornithologists (bird experts) say the dead or ailing aviators tend to have swollen eyes as well as neurological issues that seem to be causing the birds to lose balance.

“It’s not unusual to see birds with eye problems,” says Jim Monsma, director and founder of the animal rescue center City Wildlife in Washington, D.C.

Monsma has worked in animal protection and rehabilitation within urban areas for 25 years, especially in the D.C. area.

But it took Monsma and his colleagues a while to realize that what they were seeing was “not usual.”

“We didn’t know at first we were dealing with an epidemic,” Monsma says.

Looking for the cause

They now think that multiple bird species have been contracting an odd illness for about two months. And the illness has spread at least 965 kilometers (600 miles) from the capital, across the Midwest regions of the United States and into the state of Indiana.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) published a report on the mysterious bird deaths in early June. Details remain hazy, but experts are trying to trace the epidemic back to its origins.

“The first one we saw was in April. In the beginning of June, that’s when we started sending birds to an animal center, where they were alarmed to hear our numbers at the time. Now, we’re up to just under 200 that are infected,” Monsma says.

Still no diagnosis

Animal centers have been examining the birds for a possible cause of death or illness, but tests have been inconclusive so far.

Flesh eating parasites skyrocket in the US

Strange Sounds – July 1, 2021

Experts have warned that the current Earth changes and land-use changes could be creating a conducive environment for flesh-eating leishmania parasites to infect more people in the US.

Numerous studies by climate researchers across the world have already highlighted the increasing risk of insect and pest-borne tropical diseases spreading to temperate and colder parts of the world like Europe and parts of the US with rising global temperatures.

Surge of flesh-eating parasites

As the climate crisis continues, scientists say tropical parasites, such as the one that causes leishmaniasis, may gain more favourable habitats, expanding access to immunologically naive hosts, and may even develop longer and more intense transmission seasons.

The leishmania parasites are transmitted to humans through the bite of sand flies, which themselves are infected by mammals like rodents when the insects feed on their blood.

The parasitic disease leishmaniasis, characterised by crater-like ulcers with a thick, yellowish pus coat, was well-known to be a tropical infection, affecting people in countries such as Brazil, Mexico and India, but now experts say it is endemic to US states like Texas and Oklahoma, with the potential to extend to Canada in the future.

While the predominantly infectious species of the parasite in the US, Leishmania mexicana, causes milder symptoms that can heal on its own, scientists say there are also strains that can be life threatening.

New, ‘GREEN fungus’ case reported in India, adding to 3 other color types of infection developing in Covid patients

RT – June 16, 2021

As thousands suffer from black, white and yellow fungus in India, doctors are now worried that another infection, dubbed “green,” has been added to the list of post-Covid complications for patients.

A 34-year-old man in Madhya Pradesh, a large state in central India, is believed to possibly be the first patient diagnosed with the new type of fungus, local media reports. Scientifically known as Aspergillosis infection and said to be relatively uncommon, it affects the lungs.

The man had been treated for Covid-19 for two months – one of which he spent in an intensive care unit – before he was released from a hospital. However, back at home he started experiencing nose bleeds, fever and weight loss. Doctors first thought he had contracted black fungus, or mucormycosis, but tests apparently showed the green type of infection, Indian news media company NDTV reported citing his doctor, Ravi Dosi. The patient was airlifted to Mumbai for further treatment, as 90% of his lungs have been affected, according to The Times of India daily.

This possibly is the first green fungus case in the country,” a local health department official, Apoorva Tiwari said, as quoted by India’s ANI News agency.

Dosi, who is the head of Chest Diseases Department at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences (SAIMS) in Indore, warned that more research is needed on the new fungus. He also explained that “it is not that the fungal infection gives color shades in the body.” The name comes from shades that appear during laboratory tests with various types of fungal infection, he said.

Fungus cases have emerged in India as the densely populated Asian country has been battling the coronavirus pandemic. At least three ‘color’ types have been detected in Covid patients, with the deadly black one hitting the worst, and several states having declared it to be an epidemic.

CDC warns about spike in RSV cases across South

Maggie Fox – June 10, 2021

(CNN)A common cold virus called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is spreading across the South, causing an unusual wave of late spring disease, the US Centers for Disease Control and prevention said Thursday.

The CDC issued a Health Advisory Network warning to doctors and other health care providers to be on alert for the virus, which can cause pneumonia, especially in very small children and babies.

“Due to this increased activity, CDC encourages broader testing for RSV among patients presenting with acute respiratory illness who test negative for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19,” the CDC said in the alert.

“RSV can be associated with severe disease in young children and older adults. This health advisory also serves as a reminder to healthcare personnel, childcare providers, and staff of long-term care facilities to avoid reporting to work while acutely ill — even if they test negative for SARS-CoV-2.”

RSV is spread like most other respiratory diseases — by small droplets and on contaminated surfaces.

“RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under one year of age in the United States. Infants, young children, and older adults with chronic medical conditions are at risk of severe disease from RSV infection,” the CDC said.

Risk of brain-eating amoeba, flesh-eating bacteria may increase due to climate change: Experts

– May 29, 2021

These pathogens move fast and can kill quickly.

Once diagnosed, Naegleria fowleri is very difficult to treat, said Darien Sutton, a Los Angeles emergency medicine physician and ABC News medical contributor. Once it enters the brain, it causes a form of meningitis, and once the patient is exhibiting symptoms it’s often too late to save them.

Vibrio vulnificus infections can lead to necrotizing fasciitis, a severe infection in which the flesh surrounding an open wound dies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As if black & white fungus were not enough: 1st case of deadly ‘YELLOW fungus’ reported in Covid-19 patient in India

RT – May 25, 2021

A patient who was recovering from Covid-19 has been found to have symptoms of yellow fungus, news agency ANI quoted a doctor in an Uttar Pradesh hospital as saying. The new disease is reportedly more dangerous than black fungus.

Dr. BP Tyagi, an otolaryngologist in the city of Ghaziabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh, said it was the first case of yellow fungus in a patient recovering from Covid-19. The 45-year-old man had been undergoing treatment for Covid-19 over the past few months, however, his condition deteriorated over the past few days, so he was admitted to the hospital and an examination revealed yellow fungus.

According to the doctor, yellow fungus is a potentially fatal disease caused by bad hygiene and humidity. It is more dangerous than black fungus or white fungus, as it’s difficult to diagnose because it starts inside the body, affecting the internal organs. Black fungus begins with a distinct facial disfiguration which is easy to spot. The symptoms of yellow fungus include lethargy, lack of appetite, weight loss, and in severe cases, the disease can lead to organ malfunction. He added that the patient earlier had symptoms of black fungus and white fungus, which are also complications of Covid-19.

This comes as cases of mucormycosis (commonly known as black fungus) and white fungus have been on the rise among Covid-19 patients in India. Several states declared it to be an epidemic. Fungal infections have been reported in patients who were put on prolonged oxygen support or have been prescribed steroids as part of treatment for Covid-19. Both black and white fungus affect the lungs and other vital organs and can be extremely dangerous.