Mark of the COVID Beast: Store Denies People Food, Water Without Vaccine Passport – Report

Samantha Chang – August 23, 2021

The liberal nation of France has deteriorated into a fascist police state whose vaccine passport requirements may be preventing the unvaccinated from getting basic essentials such as food, judging by a disturbing Twitter video.

“French supermarkets have hired bouncers in order to deny people basic human rights to food and water because they didn’t get the right government permission slip,” independent journalist Luke Rudkowski tweeted on Friday.

The alarming video he posted shows a security guard brutally grabbing a masked woman and throwing her out of the store like a trash bag.

The woman gets outraged by the abusive manhandling and yells at the security guard.

After she leaves, a man approaches the bouncer and scolds him for not allowing the female shopper to get “alimentaire” (a French word for food).

The shocking video is evocative of the “mark of the beast,” a biblical hallmark of those pledged to the forces of evil.

In an Aug. 20 commentary in the Midland (Texas) Reporter-Telegram, titled “Is the COVID vaccine the ‘mark of the beast’”, the Rev. Darin Wood, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Midland, explained that “in Revelation 13:16-18, the Apostle John speaks of an apocalyptic pair of beasts who will rule the earth with vengeance, cruelty and animosity. Their severe manner and harsh rule will inflict pain and grief on all those on the earth at the time.