Here Comes the Food Shortage!

Socialist takeovers always progress to the food shortage stage sooner or later. Remember reading in horror about how Venezuelans were gobbling up their zoo animals in an effort to remain alive? Seems like it was only yesterday. But since horsemen Pestilence and War have already galloped through, I guess Famine can’t be far behind.

Last fall, I wrote about a conversation I had with an escapee from a late-stage socialist country south of our border:

“Are you ready for the [something in Spanish]?” another socialism escapee asked me the other day.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“The great hunger,” he replied.

I asked him how he knew that was coming, and he said he had seen the same process unfurl decades earlier in his homeland.

Earlier today, the hapless president of the United States emerged from one of his NATO huddles to answer questions from the reporters he had been instructed to call upon, as per his SOP. One of them brought up the potential for food shortages, and Biden’s answer was serious bad-feeling-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach material:

“With regard to food shortages, yes, we did [random sounds] talk about food shortages. And, uh, and it’s gonna be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

Last I heard, sanctions were supposed to be a weapon one wields against one’s enemies. If you’re imposing sanctions and hurting yourself and your allies, you’re doing it wrong.