Euthanasia Driven Depopulation Agenda

Making people want their own demise and the demise of others, medically assisted dying programs, and mainstream media encouraging the elderly to “hasten their deaths”.

The depopulation agenda is so overt once you become attuned to every sinister malevolent governmental act always posing as a ‘greater good’ – doctors and nurses stealthily coming for the mentally, physiologically, and emotionally vulnerable – like smiling assassins offering medically assisted dying.

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil – they knowingly or unknowingly choose evil. Not only do they then want their own demise, but they see humanity as a cancer on the planet. They drink the ecocide kool-aid. They actively seek instruction from their sociopathic government misleadership to direct their rage at whomever is categorised as a ‘useless eater’.

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