Churchgoing Has Some Pretty Incredible Results When It Comes to Happiness, Survey Finds

A new poll found a near-record low of Americans are “very satisfied” with their lives, with just 47% of adults expressing high fulfillment and contentedness.

This is only the third time in the past two decades that Gallup has seen the proportion dip below 50%, with a three percentage point decrease in the last year, as the polling firm noted.

Lower life satisfaction comes amid concerns over the state of affairs, inflation woes, and other sentiments. But it seems a few groups stand out regarding their higher-than-average satisfaction. Among them: faithful churchgoers.

In fact, a total of 56% of U.S. Adults who attend religious services weekly say they are very satisfied with how things are going in their personal lives, with 52% of those who attend nearly weekly or monthly saying the same.

Just 41% who seldom of never attend express the same, showing the full benefit of faith.

Meanwhile, 58% of people who have an annual household income of $100,000 or more, 57% of people who are married, and 54% of college graduates say the same.

Two other groups who cross the 50% threshold are Democrats (52%) and people aged 55 and older (51%).

“Americans are currently less satisfied with their personal lives than they have been since 2011, whether that is based on the percentage satisfied or very satisfied,” Gallup noted in its conclusion. “This lower satisfaction level coincides with weak economic confidence.”

The text continued, “However, some groups of U.S. adults are still registering majority-level high satisfaction with their lives, including higher-income, married, more religious, college educated, older Americans and Democrats.”

Gallup’s finding that church attendance and faith yield happiness fall in mine with previous research on the matter.

As CBN’s Faithwire has reported, numerous studies show the power and importance of faith in Americans’ lives. Last years’ the American Bible Society’s 13th “State of the Bible” report revealed “Scripture-engaged individuals were shown to have the highest levels of persevering hope.”

A past Barna Group survey exposed a stunning relational disparity between practicing Christians and U.S. adults more generally. While 61% of practicing Christians said they are flourishing in friendships and relationships, just 28% of U.S. adults said the same, according to The Christian Post.

Church attendance also seems to yield some intensely positive benefits. Gallup Senior Scientist Frank Newport reported last year on statistics found by his polling firm backing the notion that attending religious services has a compelling impact on people’s life views.

“The January Gallup data indicate that 92% of those who attend church services weekly are satisfied, compared with 82% of those who attend less than monthly,” Newport wrote. “The difference is even more evident in terms of the percentage who report being very satisfied — 67% of those who attend weekly are very satisfied with their personal life, compared with 48% among those who are infrequent attenders.”

Meanwhile, 44% of weekly churchgoers told Gallup they would describe their “mental health and emotional wellbeing” as “excellent.” This compares to 46% who said the same in 2020 and 42% of regular congregants who reported “excellent” mental health in 2019, holding relatively steady.

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Almost 30% of Gen-Z American women identify as LGBTQ

The percentage of adults with non-traditional sexual identities has more than doubled since 2012

Over 28% of women in the youngest US adult cohort identify as LGBTQ, most of them as bisexual, according to a Gallup annual survey published on Wednesday.

The polling agency began asking Americans about their sexual identity in 2012. In that time, the number of adults who identify as something other than heterosexual has gone from 3.5% to 7.6%.

“Overall, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it” to identify as LGBTQ, the pollster said.

More than one in five Americans in Generation Z (born between 1997-2012) identify as LGBTQ, up from almost one in ten millennials (1981-1996).

In the 2024 survey, 28.5% of Gen-Z women checked one of the LGBT identity boxes, mainly ‘bisexual’ (20.7%), with lesbians accounting for 5.4% and transgenders for 2.1%. Among men of the same generation, 10.6% identified with the rainbow flag, with bisexuals (6.9%) outnumbering the gays (2.8%).

By comparison, only 5.4% of millennial men and 12.4% of women identified as LGBTQ, the survey said. Older Americans were more likely to identify as gay or lesbian than bisexual or trans.

Overall, gays and lesbians represent slightly over 1% of US adults, compared to bisexuals at 4.4%. Bisexual is the dominant identity in the LGBT camp, with 57.3%. Gallup did note that there was some overlap between identities, as the survey allowed for multiple categories.

The results were based on a telephone survey of more than 12,000 Americans aged 18 and over. While 7.6% said they identified as one or more LGBTQ groups, 85.6% said they were heterosexual and 6.8% declined to answer.

The current US government has gone all-in on supporting alternative sexual identities, both at home and abroad. By contrast, Russia has banned LGBTQ “propaganda” and targeting of minors. However, as President Vladimir Putin recently pointed out, Russia is “quite tolerant towards people with non-traditional sexual orientations,” believing in a “live and let live” approach so long as people don’t flaunt it – and leave the children alone.

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Earthquake Swarms Off Pacific Coast Raising New Concerns

An area off the coast of Washington state is being shaken by hundreds and hundreds of earthquakes.  So is this an indication of potential trouble for the Cascadia Subduction Zone?
At this point, there is so much that we don’t know.  Scientists are telling us that the quakes are centered around a large underwater volcano.  The underwater volcano does not pose a threat at all, but if an enormous earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone were to trigger a giant tsunami that slams into the west coast, that would be a historic disaster of epic proportions.
The frequency of the earthquakes that we are witnessing off the coast of Washington is extremely alarming.
It is being reported that earlier this month there were “as many as 200 in a single hour”…
Scientists have detected a ‘great swarm’ of earthquakes off the coast of Washington clocking as many as 200 in a single hour during one day.
That is a lot of quakes!
According to one of the experts that has been monitoring this area, there were over 2,000 earthquakes in a single day…
“It’s about 10 times as active as it normally is,” said Jesse Hutchinson, a junior staff scientist with ONC, an ocean observation facility based at the University of Victoria.
He said more than 2,000 earthquakes had been detected in one day.
Why haven’t we heard more about this?
If I was living on the west coast, I would definitely want this to be in the news.
We are being told that this “great swarm” of earthquakes potentially means that a “magmatic rupture” is imminent…
The ‘great swarm’ of earthquakes followed multiple days of increasingly frequent quakes, according to Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), which is collecting the data for researchers to study.
The spike indicated a possible ‘impending magmatic rupture,’ the research group reported.
A magmatic rupture, which occurs when the Earth’s crust splits open for some reason and spills molten rock out, is a natural phenomena that can form new ocean floor, according to Zoe Krauss, a marine seismology PhD candidate at the University of Washington.
A “magmatic rupture” would not be a problem.
But what happens if this area continues to shake violently and eventually an extremely large earthquake is triggered along the Cascadia Subduction Zone?
As Popular Mechanics has accurately observed, that would create the sort of disaster that very few people would want to see…
In this case, there are two opposing forces: the North American Plate, an enormous tectonic plate that carries the entire continental United States on its back, versus the 90,000-square-mile Juan de Fuca Plate, located in the ocean off Washington, Oregon, and Northern California.  These two have been squaring off in an epic wrestling match in an area known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone, or CSZ. Trust us, nobody wants to see the end of this round. Yet only a few people seem truly bothered: seismologists, emergency management professionals, and those who have experienced earthquakes before.
It’s certain that the Northwest will experience a devastating earthquake again, says Chris Goldfinger, an oceanographer at Oregon State University and one of the world’s leading experts on subduction zone earthquakes. “We have no idea of the timing and how urgent it is,” Goldfinger tells Pop Mech. “People tend to ignore it in that case.” The majority of the public, as well as most governments in the Northwest, aren’t yet pushing to implement the extensive infrastructure changes and early-warning communications systems needed to save tens of thousands of lives.
Such an earthquake could potentially create a colossal tsunami that is hundreds of feet high.
A tsunami of that magnitude would cause destruction on a scale that most of us cannot even imagine right now.
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Marriage promotes ‘white supremacy’: George Mason professor

But scholars say marriage benefits society, minorities included

“Marriage fundamentalism” advances “white supremacy,” according to a George Mason University professor.

“I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family.

“Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family,” she (pictured) wrote.

She did not respond to two emailed requests for comment on her views sent in the past three weeks. The Fix asked if she would support government support for marriage, such as tax breaks, if they were better tailored to benefit all racial groups.

Letiecq employs “critical family theorizing…to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages [white heteropatriarchal nuclear families] and marginalizes others as a function of marriage fundamentalism.”

Letiecq says the government has coerced “its citizens to enter into an institution built upon White heteropatriarchal supremacy.” Letiecq says marriage as an institution has allowed white heterosexual couples “to gain access to benefits, rights, and protections.”

She cohabitates with her partner and their children “in a committed heterosexual union outside the institution of marriage.”

Letiecq concludes that only white heterosexual couples reap the social and financial benefits of marriage subsidized by the government while minority Americans do not gain any such benefits.

Marriage scholar Brad Wilcox disagrees with the George Mason professor.

“Marriage is an institution that has advanced the common good in many civilizations, from Europe to the Americas, and from Asia to Africa,” Wilcox told The Fix via email.

“Marriage benefits children of all racial and ethnic backgrounds,” the University of Virginia sociologist and director of the National Marriage Project wrote. He also recently published a book about the benefits of marriage.

He pointed The Fix to several articles he wrote that show the importance of married fathers and the harms of single-parent households.

The paper is “terrifying” according to Terry Schilling, the president of a pro-family group.

The paper “suggests far-left academics are ramping up their attacks on the family, the most important institution in society,” the American Principles Project leader told The Fix via an emailed statement.

“Although the social science on the immense benefits of strong, intact families is unimpeachable, this author simply waves them away,” Schilling said. “She ignores the extreme harm that has come to minority Americans as a result of family breakdown in their communities.”

He also criticized her for “paradoxically” blaming “the government for ‘reproducing’ this ‘family inequality’ in America, even as she also admits the welfare state’s privileging of families hasn’t arrested the drop in marriage rates.”

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Leprosy Is Spreading in Florida

Leprosy is on the rise again in the United States, particularly in Florida, concerning disease specialists.

According to the World Health Organization, about 200,000 cases of the disease occur every year in 120 countries worldwide and are often associated with contact with armadillos.

The U.S. is experiencing cases creep upwards, with the number of infections across the country more than doubling over the past decade, both in people exposed to armadillos and those who aren’t.

According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last year, there were 159 new cases of leprosy in the U.S. in 2020, around a fifth of which were in Florida. Of the Florida cases, 81 percent were found in central Florida.

Cases in the southeastern states have nearly doubled over the last decade, according to the report.

“Florida reported 10 cases of leprosy every year between 2002 and 2014. This rose to 29 new cases in 2015. There were 15 new cases in 2023,” Francisca Mutapi, a professor in Global Health Infection and Immunity and co-director of the Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh, told Newsweek.

“Global case detection rates dropped between 2019 and 2020, but this has been rising since then. The WHO attributes part of the decline in case detection rates to the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on health services,” she said.

“The number of new cases post-2019 is growing but reported cases to date are still lower than those reported in 2019 (202,166 new cases) compared to those detailed in the latest WHO report from 2022 (174,087 new cases).”

Leprosy—also known as Hansen’s disease—is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis, and is one of the oldest recorded diseases, having infected humans for thousands of years. It primarily affects the skin, peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and eyes, and causes symptoms including skin lesions, which may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin and may lack sensation.

Other symptoms can include numbness or weakness in the hands and feet, nerve damage, and in severe cases, deformities and disabilities.

Symptoms may take as long as 20 years to set in. Deaths from the disease are uncommon, but complications related to the disease can still occur, particularly if it is left untreated or if treatment is delayed. These complications may include secondary infections, nerve damage leading to disabilities, and other health issues.

“We currently do not know what is driving the reported increase of leprosy cases in Florida. Studies are currently underway to determine how infections are being transmitted, i.e., between humans vs infections from animals to humans. People may become infected from other people with untreated leprosy or from the nine-banded armadillo, a natural host of the bacteria causing the disease,” Mutapi said.

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The STUNNING Biblical Signs From The Upcoming Eclipse (WAY More Than You Realized)

I’ve written a lot about the upcoming Eclipse on April 8, 2024 and the very strange circumstances surrounding it.

I thought I had covered almost everything but it turns out I wasn’t even close.

There is so much more to this than I knew and my mind is spinning right now after watching this brand new video from Jim Staley.

Trust me folks, you are going to be blown away!

Even halfway through the video I was stunned….but then it just kept going!

The amount of signs wrapped up in this Eclipse (actually, THREE eclipses — 2017, 2023 and 2024) are so many and so intricate that they could only have been sent by God.  There is no other way to explain this.

After all, the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:14 that God uses the Sun, Moon and Stars for signs and seasons:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”

So it shouldn’t be a surprise!

I’d like to give you a summary, but there’s simply no way.  It’s so jam packed the summary would be the same length as the original video.

So I’m going to give you the video below plus a full transcript for anyone who can’t watch or would rather read.

Drop a comment below telling me how far into the video you got before your mind was blown!

Here you go:

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No Significant Warming in One of the Most Climate-Sensitive Parts of the Planet, Ice Core Data Show

There has been no significant warming in one of the most climate-sensitive parts of the planet, analysis of Greenland ice core data shows, casting further doubt on the alarmist climate narrative.

We are all familiar with the climate change scare narrative. Red coloured maps of the globe, polar bears stranded on ever diminishing ice floes, extreme weather events etc. When you read a climate change related article or scientific paper it nearly always opens with a statement underlining the severity of the situation facing mankind. What is usually lacking is perspective.

I am not interested in ‘expert’ opinion unless it is supported by empirical data and perspective. Selected sources must be reliable and have ample past data to encompass solar cycle variation. Ideally these data need to come from a region of the planet that is sensitive to global warming. What data from the world of paleoclimatology fit that criteria?

When snow falls, it contains a mix of oxygen isotopes. During warm periods, more heavy oxygen isotopes are found in the snow, while cold periods have more light oxygen isotopes. By analysing these ratios in ice cores, scientists can learn about past temperatures and climate conditions. The ice is laid down in annual layers which can be dated accurately. Consequently, we can construct an accurate temperature record where sufficient ice accumulation exists, such as in polar regions.

If anthropogenic climate change is a real threat, due primarily to the burning of fossil fuels, then we are expecting to see a clear rise in temperature above and beyond the normal variation. This was attempted and published by Michael Mann et al. and is widely known as the hockey stick graph. The main problem with this graph is that it was constructed using 12 sets of proxy measurements which included three sets of ice core data. The ice core data went back only 500 years and the remaining extrapolation relied on tree ring data. There was considerable uncertainty of measurement which was highlighted in his original paper (Figure 1), and a period of 1,000 years provides us with limited perspective in relation to the impact of solar cycles.

Note the light grey area is an estimate of the uncertainty of measurement and extrapolation.

There seems to be a dearth of records that provide temperature proxies for recent times that are relevant to the sudden rise in carbon dioxide levels (1860 to current). However, I did locate data from two overlapping periods from Renland peninsula in Eastern Greenland. The two studies that reported the results from these ice core measurements had quite different themes. The first, which covered the period from 1960 to 10,000 BC, commented on the high temperatures in the Holocene period and the impact on the ice sheet. The second covering 1801 to 2014 examined local site variability. The creation of these datasets was a gargantuan effort. It remains a mystery why these papers did not comment on the temperature trends or indeed try and link the two datasets. Below is a graph combining these two isotope ratio data sets (Figure 2). The black line (far right) is the key as it is a 20 year rolling average of the more recent dataset (brown dots). The first dataset (blue dots) has data points every 20 years, so this rolling average enables a more valid comparison.

These data tell us we’re in one of the coldest spells in the approximately last 9,000 years. Was the only way up? Virtually all global records indicate a steady warming in recent times. I have added green lines to help visualise the ‘normal’ variation in the last 9,000 years. Clearly recent warming is within this normal variation.

I have added another graph (Figure 3) with linear trend lines to each of the datasets to demonstrate how important perspective is in assessing climate change. If we take the trend from 1801 to 2014 (purple dashed) and compare it with that from the last 10,000 years (green line) it seems alarming. But from the longer trend the reader can see that variation in both sets of data is quite normal.

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Tyson Foods Takes a Leap into the Bugsphere: A Delightful Dining Experience Awaits?

Tyson Foods, the connoisseurs of processed chicken delights, have shockingly announced a dalliance with Protix, a company that specializes in insect ingredients. It seems our beloved chicken overlords are spreading their wings into the world of bugs.

Insect Invasion: A New Era for Food Labeling

In a move that promises to revolutionize the processed food industry, Tyson Foods has entered into a peculiar pact with Protix. This unholy alliance aims to propel the growth of the emerging insect ingredient sector. Brace yourselves, for soon, your favorite store-bought treats might come with an unexpected crunch.

A Globalist Gastronomic Delight?

Rumor has it that globalists are leading the charge in the bug “food” agenda. While they indulge in steak and caviar, the rest of us may find ourselves unwittingly munching on insect-infused delicacies. Thanks, Tyson!

Investment Galore: The Bug Bonanza

Tyson’s investment in Protix isn’t just about funding a bug’s life; it’s about creating a sustainable system for churning out insect protein and lipids. Yes, you read that right—lipids. Soon, our plates may be adorned with a symphony of insects, all thanks to the wonders of modern capitalism.

The Great Insect Adventure: A Journey from Plate to Pet Food

Together, Tyson and Protix are embarking on a grand venture—the construction of an insect ingredient manufacturing facility. But fear not, dear consumer, for these insect wonders won’t just grace your dinner table. They’ll also find their way into pet food, aquaculture, and livestock feed. Bon appétit, Fido!

A Circular Foodie Affair: From Plate to Pet Bowl

John R. Tyson, the financial maestro behind Tyson Foods, sees the insect lifecycle as the epitome of circularity. It’s all about strengthening their commitment to a more sustainable food system. Who knew bugs could be so versatile?

The Non-Globalist Conundrum: Are We Just Human Livestock?

In the eyes of globalists, non-globalists are nothing but human livestock—mere pawns in their grand game of gastronomic chess. Brace yourselves, for the insect invasion knows no bounds.

Soylent Green 2.0: Bugs for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

As Tyson ventures into the world of insects, one can’t help but draw parallels to the dystopian realm of Soylent Green. Are bugs the new green? Only time will tell.

The Great Consumer Exodus: A Farewell to Tyson

With news of Tyson’s insect escapades spreading like wildfire, many consumers are bidding farewell to their once-beloved chicken products. Who needs processed poultry when you can have a side of bugs?

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China Is Actively Preparing For War With The United States March 10, 2024 by Michael

At a time when their economy is really struggling, the Chinese are increasing military spending and ramping up preparations for war.  But who is China preparing to fight a war with?  Needless to say, the answer to that question is obvious.  Yes, the border dispute between India and China could erupt into something significant, but that is not likely.  The only other opponent that the Chinese would be fighting a major war with would be the United States.  And right now, Chinese shipyards are churning out military vessels at a pace that the U.S. simply cannot match

The US cannot match the pace of building in the shipyards of Shanghai, which have already turned out two new aircraft carriers with a third expected to begin sea trials soon.

The latest vessel, the Fujian, features catapults to launch heavy, fixed-wing aircraft with immense bomb payloads. These shipyards are also building a new type of amphibious assault vessel, and many roll-on, roll-off ferries, which could have a dual purpose – transporting cars in peacetime, and armoured assault vehicles in the event of an attack on a neighbour, such as Taiwan.

Of even greater concern is the vast network of tunnels that the Chinese have been constructing.

We are being told that this network of tunnels makes the Hamas tunnels under Gaza “look like holes scooped by children in a sandpit”

While the West has been scaling back its military spending in favour of welfare and healthcare, China has been building artificial islands as naval bases and airfields. Less obvious but more ominous, it has also been digging a vast network of tunnels and bunkers that make the Hamas warrens in Gaza look like holes scooped by children in a sandpit.

The Chinese tunnels stretch for hundreds of miles and their plans are so closely guarded that Western intelligence agencies have little idea what is down there.

Domestic spies in the pay of the West, who have attempted to smuggle out information, have been caught and executed.

Nobody knows why China has been putting so much effort into these tunnels.

Are they anticipating that vast numbers of Chinese will need to shelter underground during an apocalyptic conflict with the United States?

In recent years, the Chinese have been feverishly upgrading and expanding their strategic nuclear arsenal

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Portland woman convicted of hate crime after misgendering, confronting transgender patron using women’s bathroom in bar

An Oregon woman has been convicted of committing a hate crime after misgendering and confronting a transgender patron using the women’s bathroom at a bar in Portland.

On Wednesday, 40-year-old Cassie McIntyre was found guilty of second-degree bias crime and harassment in Multnomah County Circuit Court. Judge Christopher Marshall sentenced McIntyre to two years of probation and 50 hours of community service, according to the Oregonian.

McIntyre’s punishment stems from a 15-second confrontation with Riis Larsen, a 35-year-old, trans-identifying biological male formerly named Ronald A. Larsen.

Journalist Andy Ngo reported, “Larsen is a self-identified Marxist ‘queer demi-binary trans woman’ who posts online often about transphobia.”

The encounter occurred at Jake’s Place sports bar in Portland on Dec. 27, 2022. McIntyre was a bartender, who was at Jake’s Place after finishing her shift.

Larsen allegedly cut in line to use the women’s restroom, which upset a regular customer at the bar, who complained.

McIntyre purportedly confronted Larsen about using the women’s bathroom.

Court documents state, “When McIntyre cornered her and told her she ‘was a man’ and should use the other toilet.”

Larsen reportedly attempted to “explain” Larsen’s gender identity, “but McIntyre, 40, told her to ‘get out’ using an expletive, then shoved her.”

Video showed McIntyre making physical contact with Larsen, but McIntyre contended that she did not shove Larsen but instead was “making space.”

Larsen claimed to have been a victim of “transphobia.”

Larsen said during the trial, “Because that’s the essence of transphobic bias — erasure. It’s not being believed. In our system, people are innocent until they’re proven guilty, but in the real world, I was judged and sentenced within moments when Ms. McIntyre decided to harass me.”

Prosecutor Charlie Weiss said Larsen is “scrutinized in a different way than most of us in our day-to-day lives are scrutinized.”

Weiss added, “People sometimes express disagreement not with what she says, or what she does, but who she is.”

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