Numbering Our Days – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton  05-29-2021  (from 04-21-2012)

Our lives are very short as indicated in many bible scriptures. This is a warning message for the “awake virgins” that we must be ready. Each day draws us closer to the last Trumpet, the beast power, and our rewards as Kings/Priests in the World Tomorrow if we are considered worthy by God. We MUST have our priorities in order by making each day a prep day for Christ’s physical return.

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Sermonette:  Mr. John Durrad  05-29-2021  Hezekiah’s Illness – Revisited

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Numbering Our Days

Mr. Wallace Lawton   04-21-2012

Our lives are very short as indicated in many bible scriptures. This is a warning message for the “awake virgins” that we must be ready. Each day draws us closer to the last Trumpet, the beast power, and our rewards as Kings/Priests in the World Tomorrow if we are considered worthy by God. We MUST have our priorities in order by making each day a prep day for Christ’s physical return.

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