Beginning of Months – Shevat 2015

Mr. Robert Ardis    01-21-2015

Three separate scriptures indicate that keeping the Beginning of Months is an ordinance forever for Israel: 2 Chron 2:4, Gal 6:16 and Col 2:16-17. The Sabbath represents the Father, the Creator, the Holy Days describe the plan of God, and the Beginning of Months represents Christ, His sustaining work, and Who is the image and brightness of the Father.

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Interpret the Vision

Mr. John Durrad      06-29-2013

Developing spiritual vision is essential for God’s true church, which is spiritual Israel. God’s vision is sharp, clear, perfect and certain. God shows us how we are to do His will and complete the work that His end-time church must finish. God’s vision and message can only be understood and done by those who are in obedience to and under God’s direction.

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God’s Protection

Mr. Wallace Lawton  10-05-2012

Christ’s mission is to fight our battles, however, His protection is conditional. This is demonstrated by the five prerequisites stipulated in this sermon. We need to take advantage of this promise and meet these prerequisites so as to prevent suffering, because Christ who gives us deliverance as our Saviour fights our battles.

These five pre-requisites are:

  1. Obey the laws of God – Be righteous, hang onto the truth and don’t depart from it.
  2. Ask God daily for His protection – ask for right things in the right manner.
  3. Never tempt God  – make wise spiritual and physical decisions in order to prevent trouble, and do our part using wisdom.
  4. Exercise faith – diligently seek God knowing that He will do what He says He will do.
  5. In everything give thanks – thank God in advance, and give God thanks for our daily blessings.

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Sin And The Days Of Unleavened Bread

Mr. John Durrad   04-13-2012

We have been given this wonderful physical festival to help us in the process of spiritual deleavening. As we not only avoid eating leaven this week, but replace it with unleavened bread, so we must also avoid sin and unrighteousness, and replace it with obedience, sincerity and truth.