After Feast Motivation – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-23-2021  (from 10-13-2018)

God and His word is our motivation. How does He do it? By the spiritual fruits He offers us in our lives. Nine fruits of the spirit are discussed and how we can develop, improve, and build them in our lives, and to use them to His glory and service.

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Sermonette: Mr. Gerry Neenan – True Masculinity

After Feast Motivation – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-13-2018  (from 11-17-2012)

God and His word is our motivation. How does He do it? By the spiritual fruits He offers us in our lives. Nine fruits of the spirit are discussed and how we can develop, improve, and build them in our lives, and to use them to His glory and service.

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Feast Of Tabernacles 2018 – What Is Your Why?

Mr.  Jon Ardis     09-24-2018   AM Service

Why are we here at the Feast of Tabernacles? This feast pictures God’s master plan for mankind. The angels had incredible potential but failed. Now it is man’s turn to triumph. The earth was the proving ground for the angels who failed, and now it is our turn to develop the character of God. We need to consider our real motivation this year for being a part of the God family.

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