Mr. John Durrad 12-18-2021 (from 01-01-2011)
How can we keep both our minds and hearts softened towards God? This sermon focuses on how we can remove barriers in our minds to obey God properly. Proverbs can teach us from Solomon’s experience.
- Who are your friends? Wrong friends can entice you to sin. Weigh them carefully.
- We reap what we sow. Choose to obey God and He will reward with good things in return.
- Discipline. Do we value correction? Correction is a life-long process. All scripture is given for correction.
- Do we work when able to? God’s work will lead us to fulfil our potential. We have no excuses to avoid our responsibilities and to obey God.
- We must be receptive to God’s words daily for Him to complete a successful work in our lives. (prayer, bible study, fasting, meditation)