Mr. Robert Ardis 04-25-2011 Last Day Unleavened Bread 2011
Every Wind Of Doctrine
The Morrow After The Passover
Introduction To Leviticus Part 1
Assembling Without A Minister
You Are The Bride Of Christ
Mr. Gerry Ardis 03-05-2011
Christ will present His church to Himself without spot or blemish Eph 5:27. This sermon discusses how the old covenant contract with Israel was physical in nature, and how the new covenant contract for us today is spiritual in nature with much greater promises.
What Will It Take?
Contending For The Faith
A Message Of Love
Me. John Durrad 02-11-2011
God is love. Our works and our actions may or may not show love. We need to be like God with righteous character. This is God’s final objective for us, to go God’s way. Everyone that is righteous is born of God and looks to God to give us life as gods. We must give up our will now so that God can rule in our lives.
Who Are You?
Mr. Jon Ardis 02-05-2011
We now live in a world that is concerned with protecting itself at every level. How are we as God’s called out ones protecting our positions as Pillars for God? God and Christ have invested greatly in us. Are we living up to God’s expectations? Can we be trusted with more truth, and more of God’s spirit and power?