The Book Of Life – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    10-17-2019  (from 13-10-11)  – Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 4

There are three books that Christians must be aware of: The Bible, The Book of Remembrance, and The Book of Life. Mankind in general does not know the meaning and the purpose of The Book of Life. The Book of Life is NOT the Bible. However, the Bible is the standard from which we all will be judged. Knowledge and our actions with respect to each of these books can determine  the eternal destiny of each individual.

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Blueprint For A Godly Family

Mr. Wallace Lawton   10-16-2019   Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 3

Most of the pain we have in life can be caused by poor relationships. God wants us to develop Godly family relationships now before we enter the God family. This sermon discusses eleven ways how we can change and treat family members differently. These are: 1)  Love and accept one another, 2) Pray for one another, 3) Always tell the truth in the family, 4) Be kind to one another, 5) Bring joy to one another, 6) Serve one another, 7) Be patient with one another, 8) Comfort one another, 9) Forgive one another, 10) Be generous with one another, 11) Honor one another.

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The Wonderful World Tomorrow – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad      10-15-2019     (from 10-14-2014)  Feast Of Tabernacles   Day 2

All is not good in the world today. Man has no solution for the many problems of this world, but God does! There are three world visions for the future: 1) destruction by nuclear and five other means (chemical, biological, overpopulation, disease, pollution), 2) science technology will bring man into a utopian society – a gigantic Disneyland, 3) God’s solution – the new peaceful World Tomorrow. In the World Tomorrow God will have solutions for ALL of man’s problems.

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Psalm 3 – Praising God

Mr. Gerry Ardis      10-14-2019      Feast Of Tabernacles 2019 –  PM Service

Eleven points are brought out about Psalm 3. Supporting scriptures are also provided how each of these eleven points support the praises we should be giving to our great God.

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What A Day

Mr. Jon Ardis     10-14-2019     Feast of Tabernacles 2019 – AM Service

This sermon has been written for the youth of the CGF today. The world of today is not the same world known by many older members of the church. Today we need to be able to 1) Identify and know when, where and how Satan is attacking you, 2) Know who Satan is using to attack you, 3) Identify how you can do things differently, 4) Do everything to submit to God’s will, and Satan will stay away from you.

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A Thumbnail Sketch – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   10-12-2019   (from 10-04-2009)

Within the Day of the Lord, that already has come and lasts into eternity, the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord’s Wrath, the Millenium, and the Last Great Day is discussed. A review from Joel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and Revelation on the chronological order of events to occur, in each of these periods of time, shows how God will  bring mankind into obedience with His will.

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Leviticus 16 – Two Goats – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis  10-09-2019   (from 09-19-2018)   Day of Atonement 2019

The Day of Atonement ceremony performed in Leviticus 16 pictures events in the Day of the Lord during and immediately after the return of Christ and the Firstfruits.  The first goat represents Satan’s evil system of deception which is destroyed at Christ’s return. The second goat depicts Satan who will be banished for 1000 years, and ultimately to be destroyed by God at the end of the Millenium.

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The Need For Real Men – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   10-05-2019   (from 11-15-2008)

This sermon has a message for all of God’s people. as builders of God’s society and our preparation for the government of God on earth. Eight qualities of real men (and women) to strive for are discussed:

  1. Be strong and courageous (1 Ch 22: 11-13)
  2. Have a sense of direction (Eph 4:14)
  3. Allow for mistakes (that will happen)
  4. Be a provider (1 Tim 5:8)
  5. Be a protector
  6. Need humility (1 Pet 5:5)
  7. Be a gentleman (Mar 11:15)
  8. Be a spiritual leader (Mat 11:12 and 1 Cor 16:13)

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Phases Of The Work 2019 – Part 2

Mr. Gerry Ardis      09-30-2019      Feast of Trumpets 2019 – AM Service

This sermon discusses the phases of God’s work from Moses to the present time. God has a plan and specific timing for events to occur in His plan for mankind. Events during this time period and the role of God’s church and people are discussed.

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