The Feast Is Forever

Mr. John Durrad   09-21-2013   Feast Of Tabernacles 2013

Many have heard of the Sabbath day but most have not heard of God’s holy days and the fact that that they are in force today. In not knowing about and keeping God’s holy days, the world has no knowledge of the plan of God. It is time for us to up grade our obedience in participating in these holy days as outlined by God in His Word.

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Living Large At The Feast And Beyond

Mr. Jon Ardis     09-20-2013    Feast Of Tabernacles 2013

What is it that will help us to overcome? God is in charge and is directing everything. Wisdom is needed on an individual basis and as a church. Solomon became distracted later in life as his heart turned away from God. We must be wise, fear God, and keep His commandments.

The World To Come Starts With Us

Mr. Kevin Montgomery   09-19-2013 – Feast Of Tabernacles -PM Service

Why are we at the Feast of Tabernacles? It is a commanded assembly! Obedience to God’s laws will be carried out with a “rod of iron” in the World Tomorrow. Following the 20 personal goals everyday is a valuable tool for preparing ourselves for the Midnight Cry. We must be mentally able to usher in the World Tomorrow.

The World Tomorrow – Updated 2013

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-19-2013  – Feast of Tabernacles –  A.M Service

When God speaks it will be done. What will the world tomorrow be like? It will have no end, and the laws and principles of God will be established. Five of these laws and principles are discussed.

Opening Night Message – FOT 2013 (Pre-Recorded)

Mr. Robert Ardis     09-18-2013

We are at the Feast to rejoice before God. We look forward to the day when the Kingdom of God will be on earth. The seven spirits of God and the twelve fruits of the spirit will be made manifest by all in His Kingdom.

Sermon delivered via DVD