Vision Equals Spiritual Sight

Mr. Robert Ardis    05-07-2011

In this sermon a brief overview of the history of CGF is provided. The CGF is awaiting the work of the two witnesses.  This will be the beginning of the greatest work of God in New Testament times! God established the CGF on truth and opened the seals of Revelation to our understanding. Truth is the proof of the true church. The CGF has to be humbled to be moldable, has to learn patience, and can do nothing without Christ leading the church.

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Is Sin So Bad?

Mr. John Durrad   04-20-2011

It is an error to think that a little sin is not bad, as each sin has a multiplying effect, which makes it easier to sin again. To avoid the consequences of sin, we must realize that sin is the breaking of God’s spiritual laws. This sermon discusses:  What is sin?, Where did sin come from?, Who many define sin?, and Is sin so bad?

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Eat And Drink Worthily

Mr. Jon Ardis     04-16-2011

Sin leaves a scar like a stain can. There are many positive scriptures that can assist us in examining ourselves in preparation for Passover, and what each of can do to overcome sin in our lives. We have a choice: to look at the negative or look at the positive way God wants us to.

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Forgiveness Before Passover

Mr. Gerry Ardis    04-09-2011

This sermon examines the necessity of how to properly forgive others as preparation to take Passover in a worthy manner. We all must build Godly character now in order to be worthy to be in God’s kingdom. Scriptures are provided to supply direction on proper forgiveness.

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