Where Would You Be?

Mr. Jon Ardis   06-11-2011

Have you ever thought where you would be today without God’s holy spirit? This sermon discusses this question and how we can “stir up the spirit of God” to assist us in our day-to-day challenges in overcoming. We need to be constantly overcoming and motivated in this through the use of many “tools” available to us e.g. sermons, booklets, articles, prayer, bible study, fasting etc.

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Britain’s Secret Heritage

Mr. John Durrad    05-28-2011

This discusses the promises from God to Abraham and subsequently to all of Israel. While David was king, God promised that there would always be a ruler on his throne until Jesus would be the final ruler. Queen Elizabeth is a direct descendant of King David.

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Vision Equals Spiritual Sight

Mr. Robert Ardis    05-07-2011

In this sermon a brief overview of the history of CGF is provided. The CGF is awaiting the work of the two witnesses.  This will be the beginning of the greatest work of God in New Testament times! God established the CGF on truth and opened the seals of Revelation to our understanding. Truth is the proof of the true church. The CGF has to be humbled to be moldable, has to learn patience, and can do nothing without Christ leading the church.

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