Love Seeks Not Her Own

Mr. John Durrad     08-06-2011

Those with a self-serving attitude is not the way in God’s church. God’s people cannot be selfish. Any position in the church is given by Christ. God decides what responsibilities each of us has in the church. We must be looking for ways to serve others. Now is the time to get ready and each of us has a job to do!

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What Is Faith?

Mr. John Durrad    07-16-2011

Faith is built on knowledge and experience. We walk by faith, not by sight. We build faith by believing and doing. God wants us to have faith and the power of His Spirit. Faith has nothing to do with our feelings. Our faith must be a living faith! Living faith is: a) confidence we  have in God’s Word, b) confidence that God never lies, c) confidence that even in sore trials God wants the best for us, and d) confidence that the good things we hope for, we shall obtain, because God says so.

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God’s Greatest Gift – The Holy Spirit

Mr. John Durrad     06-18-2011

Why do we go through repentance and baptism? It is to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit – the power from God Himself! This power gives us the ability to act and the capacity to do God’s work. The Holy Spirit enables us to keep His Laws and Commandments. Without His spirit we are not His. With His Spirit in us, we have the certainty of the resurrection. We know this by faith, which gives us a quiet confidence about our future in the God family.

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