Understanding The Meaning Of The Feast

Mr. John Durrad     05-10-2012

Mankind needs to be creative and active. Few today understand the meaning that God has for mankind as evident in the Feast. The Feast  is a time of rejuvenation where we are inspired to do more, and renew our personal dedication and commitment to get closer to God.

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History And Prophesy

Mr. Robert Ardis    05-05-2012

As we count down towards Pentecost, we should heed the warnings of the Bible, both with regard to the history of the ancient Israelites, and also the prophecies of Ezekiel and others about what happens to God’s people when they turn from him and ignore His commandments.

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Numbering Our Days

Mr. Wallace Lawton   04-21-2012

Our lives are very short as indicated in many bible scriptures. This is a warning message for the “awake virgins” that we must be ready. Each day draws us closer to the last Trumpet, the beast power, and our rewards as Kings/Priests in the World Tomorrow if we are considered worthy by God. We MUST have our priorities in order by making each day a prep day for Christ’s physical return.

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Sin And The Days Of Unleavened Bread

Mr. John Durrad   04-13-2012

We have been given this wonderful physical festival to help us in the process of spiritual deleavening. As we not only avoid eating leaven this week, but replace it with unleavened bread, so we must also avoid sin and unrighteousness, and replace it with obedience, sincerity and truth.

The Rest Of The Story

Mr. Robert Ardis       03-31-2012

The 10th of Nissan, the day of the “Setting Apart of the Lambs”. The understanding of Christ as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, a review of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God and special music played within the sermon – “The Song of the Lamb” by Kevin and Fawn Montgomery is provided.

Examination Time – Ask Yourself

Mr. Gerry Ardis     03-24-2012

Two weeks from Days of Unleavened Bread – A motivational sermon for self-examination before Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. We are not caught unaware that Christ is discerning between the righteous and the wicked.  Time is short. How are you doing? Rev. 22:11 – Time is limited!  You must overcome!

To Finish His Work

Mr. Robert Ardis      03-17-2012

A pre-Passover examination of ourselves as pertaining to the Church being of “one accord”. Examination of our faith in the Church of God’s Faithful being the Church of God, especially as to the discerning of the Lord’s body in the partaking of the Passover service. Do we have faith? Definitive answers are given to show that the CGF is the faithful Church of God.

Passover – Are We Prepared?

Mr. John Durrad     03-11-2012

Are we prepared to keep the Passover in a worthy manner? The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. Christ was resurrected by the Father. It is an eternal law that only life can give life! In our walk with Christ we MUST remain worthy. Our trials help us in preparing to be worthy. The Passover opens the door for us to attain to eternal life.

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Pre-Passover Repentence

Mr. Wallace Lawton      03-10 2012

Encouragement provided in an examination of ourselves in light of the human condition of “none being righteous” when compared to Christ’s character, the character of God, being our goal. Examination of our covenant with God at baptism is reviewed.  How we come before God at the Passover is a vital element to the eventual completion of that covenant.  Included in this sermon is an examination of the 10 commandments, and some examples of how they relate to our self-examination.