Mr. Gerry Ardis 05-19-2013 Pentecost – PM Service
God the Father has called us and we get the first 144,000 positions! We need to run the race set before us. It’s up to each of us how good our life’s report will be. Let’s keep the Pentecost vision!
Mr. Gerry Ardis 05-19-2013 Pentecost – PM Service
God the Father has called us and we get the first 144,000 positions! We need to run the race set before us. It’s up to each of us how good our life’s report will be. Let’s keep the Pentecost vision!
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-19-2013 Pentecost – AM Service
Mr. Jon Ardis 05-18-2013
This world will remain in turmoil before the tribulation arrives. The condition of humanity will be like that before the flood. We believe God will provide, but we should also be prepared to do what we can for ourselves, knowing that no matter what we do, God’s plans for us will occur. Do we trust God fully without hesitation?
Mr. Wallace Lawton 05-11-2013
Mr. Robert Ardis 05-04-2013
Mr. Gerry Ardis 04-27-2013
What is God trying to build in each of us through trials? A study of the life of Joseph shows us how he stayed close to God and triumphed despite trials. As a result of his trials others were blessed through Joseph’s example. God did not forsake Joseph in his trials, nor will He forsake us.
Mr. John Durrad 04-20-2013
Mr. Wallace Lawton 04-13-2013
Mr. Robert Ardis 04-06-2013
Mr. Robert Ardis 04-01-2013 (from 04-07-2012) LDUB – AM Service