Interpret the Vision

Mr. John Durrad      06-29-2013

Developing spiritual vision is essential for God’s true church, which is spiritual Israel. God’s vision is sharp, clear, perfect and certain. God shows us how we are to do His will and complete the work that His end-time church must finish. God’s vision and message can only be understood and done by those who are in obedience to and under God’s direction.

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Mr. Gerry Ardis   06-23-2013

Many are called and chosen but few through the ages have remained faithful. Satan will try to get our minds off the Kingdom of God through discouragement, laziness/lethargy, carelessness/accidents, temptations, our emotions, and through a root of bitterness. We have been warned! Will we love the TRUTH so that we will be saved and not be drawn away?
Things to pay attention to: a) be faithful in prayer and bible study, b) anticipate the holy days, c) build character because of trials, d) attend all services, e) remember you can do all things through Jesus Christ (Phil 4:13).

They Are Blessed Who Are Forgiven

Mr. John Durrad        06-15-2013

Psalm 32  A wonderful psalm of David confirming that blessings consist in remission or forgiveness of sins.  David confirms that confession of sins gives people peace of mind and eases the conscience. Each of us is blessed materially in some way but the main blessing of life is forgiveness from God and the promise of eternal life in the future.

Trumpets/Pentecost – And The Thief In The Night

Mr. John Durrad       05-25-2013

Christ returns on three different occasions: The Day of the Lord (in 1997), on a future Pentecost (First Resurrection) and on a future Feast of Trumpets. The holy days are not only spiritually symbolic but are actual signs for now and the future.

God’s Invitation And Your Future Glory

Mr. Gerry Ardis     05-19-2013     Pentecost – PM Service

God the Father has called us and we get the first 144,000 positions! We need to run the race set before us. It’s up to each of us how good our life’s report will be. Let’s keep the Pentecost vision!

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Trust In God In All Things

Mr. Jon Ardis    05-18-2013

This world will remain in turmoil before the tribulation arrives. The condition of humanity will be like that before the flood. We believe God will provide, but we should also be prepared to do what we can for ourselves, knowing that no matter what we do, God’s plans for us will occur. Do we trust God fully without hesitation?

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Why Will Some Not Believe?

Mr. Robert Ardis            05-04-2013

Herbert W. Armstrong searched diligently for the foundation of truth in the Bible, through the mind of Christ working within him. HWA knew that the true church would keep ALL the commandments of God. HWA also knew that the true church would be identified by TRUTH. The CGF is identified as the true church of God, by more than 100 new truths, that can be supported by the bible.