The Evening Of The Passover – LDUB – PM Service

Mr. John Durrad   04-21-2014

The first Passover was a life or death issue. We all will have to choose between life and good, and death and evil. The Passover is a unique ceremony. Having a correct understanding of when to keep it, of its symbols and how to take it worthily, is a matter of life and death. The Father has and will continue to reject the traditions of men concerning the Passover.

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Unbelievably – LDUB – AM Service

Mr. Robert Ardis    04-21-2014

We do not want to provoke God as our forefathers did. We must be faithful and worthy to go to the place of safety. The bible has many scriptures that describe the rewards of being faithful to the end. Prove God in keeping His promises for proper tithing and keeping of all God’s commandments and Feast days.

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of The LDUB

Mr. Wallace Lawton  04-19-2014

The Sabbath and the Feast Days of God all belong together. They tell us how to have a relationship with the Father and Jesus. If we want to claim Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf, then we must keep the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread as Christ has outlined in the bible for us. If we understand the true spiritual meaning of Unleavened Bread and do it, then we will have no condemnation and be blameless before God.

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Striving Mightily – FDUB – PM Service

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-15-2014

Are we thinking like God and where are we on the seven levels of spiritual reflex action? Christ had no safety net in dealing with sin and neither do we. Seven strategies to overcome the sin that so easily besets us discussed. We must always keep in focus the vision of what we can be in God’s kingdom, just as Christ had this vision.

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Walking With God – FDUB – AM Service

Mr. Robert Ardis  04-15-2014  First Day Of Unleavened Bread

Jesus carried all sins to the stake. He is our example and we must be ready to follow His example. The First Day of Unleavened Bread must be kept at the proper time. This day in the past represented freedom for the Israelites out of physical bondage, and today it represents present and future freedom from spiritual bondage.

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Beginning Of Months – Nissan – Month 1 – Fruit Of The Spirit – Faith

Mr. Gerry Ardis    04-01-2014

As one of “the weightier matters of the law,” faith is complete confidence in God, and without it we cannot please Him. It is a shield against all fiery darts, i.e., trials and temptations. It gives us power, and is a requirement for forgiveness of our sins. We are commanded to have faith and not to doubt.

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Prepare Now

Mr. Kevin Montgomery  03-29-2014

We must be prepared both physically and spiritually for the challenging times ahead of us. Four points to prepare us to address the spiritual storms ahead are discussed. Will each of us be able to weather the spiritual storms ahead and be able to teach others?

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How Great Is God

Mr. Robert Ardis   03-22-2014

This sermon addresses many aspects of God’s greatness both in the past, present and future. Each of the prophets, mentioned in the bible, and the seven churches discussed in Revelation have been offered different challenges and blessings. As Pillars in this present time we must be growing in worthiness and shooting for perfection.

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