Beginning of Months – Month Five – Av – Fruit of the Spirit – Truth

Mr. Robert Ardis    07-28-2014

The identification signs of the True Church of God is new Truth. There have been 120 new truths given to the CGF since the Day of the Lord began in 1997. The CGF also keeps God’s Sabbath days, the Holy Days and the Beginning of Months, as these are ordained forever for spiritual Israel. This year in 2014 at Trumpets we will be entering into the 18th year of a 19 year time cycle. Could the crippled woman of Luke 13:10-17 represent the scattered churches being freed from bondage?

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Is God Waiting On Us?

Mr. Jon Ardis   07-26-2014

In today’s society there are many things in place so that we do not have to wait and this has resulted in a society of impatient people. Are we in the CGF waiting correctly on God and living the way God wants us to? We must do our part to be wise, keep in the forefront of our minds the truths we have been given, and studying to show ourselves approved God’s way.

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I Believe

Mr. Robert Ardis      07-12-2014

God is not a respector of persons, nor does He lie. It is then important for us to consider what we believe. We believe that we must live by every word of God, thereby seeking God’s kingdom and the promises of God. Noah, Daniel and Job have been mentioned specifically in the bible for their righteousness. Ten acts of righteousness and related scriptures are presented

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Temperence Is Not Extreme

Mr. John Durrad      06-29-2014

Temperance involves being discrete, using restraint and moderation in all things. This includes our use of alcohol. Scriptures are discussed that show that the proper use of wine is a blessing of God, for enjoyment, health, and healing. The changing of water into wine was the first miracle performed by Jesus.

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Beginning Of Months – Tamuz – Month Four – Spirit Of Righteousness

Mr. Jon Ardis      06-28-2014

All God’s commandments are righteousness. We are to become Pillars with specific roles in God’s coming kingdom. In order to fulfill our roles, we need to exercise our senses to determine good and evil. Not only the physical but the spiritual aspects of the ten commandments are always in effect. We must examine both our strengths and weaknesses and grow up into Christ in all things.

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Blessed Are Those Who Wait

Mr. John Durrad      06-21-2014

The last three chapters of the book of Daniel address the final vision given to Daniel concerning a time of great trouble to come, and the numbered days for the time of the end. Many key individuals and prophets of the bible have had to wait on the Eternal to see this prophesy fulfilled. As we too wait on God, we have longer to grow in the grace and knowledge of God as He perfects us further.

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The Spirit Of Power – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad      06-03-2023  (from 06-14-2014)

Through God’s holy spirit all things were created. God wants to give us more of His Holy Spirit. God the Father calls us and gives us to His church. Those called in our time have to overcome Satan and therefore a tremendous reward/commission awaits us.

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Pillars Among The Firstfruits – Pentecost 2014 – PM Service

Mr. Gerry Ardis      06-08-2014

We have been called as Pillars among the Firstfruits by the will of God. We have been spiritually blessed by knowing that the Day of the Lord is here! We have also been called to be the Wife of Christ. Do we have the vision of the promises to overcome and embrace them?

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