Mr. Gerry Ardis 07-09-2016
We must be worthy of our calling to be Pillars and edify the body of Christ. Seven Steps To One Accord outline how we can all come into the unity of faith and of our calling.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 07-09-2016
We must be worthy of our calling to be Pillars and edify the body of Christ. Seven Steps To One Accord outline how we can all come into the unity of faith and of our calling.
Mr. Jon Ardis 07-02-2016
How do we wait God’s way? Is God waiting on us? The bible is full of examples for us like Noah, Joseph etc. who have waited on God. While we wait we can look at our character flaws as God sees them, and develop wisdom in order that trials are not needed to develop them. We need to see ourselves growing and gaining wisdom, and remaining faithful, while we look to God’s promises to come.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 06-25-2016
Israel’s first Independence Day from Egypt’s slavery occurred on Abib 15. God’s physical promises and blessings made to Abraham have come about. Man’s spiritual independence will also come in the future to those who love God, keep His commandments and endure to the end.
Mr. John Durrad 06-18-2016
God has not finished His work yet, so what does He expect of you and me as Pillars? This sermon discusses how we must be temperate in all things and support the work of Christ and His spiritual temple. We must go beyond the call of duty which is our reasonable service.
Mr. John Durrad 06-12-2016 Pentecost – PM Service
Jesus used parables involving planting (seeds, earth, light and rain) and harvesting to represent the spiritual plan of God and man’s salvation. The plan of God the Father and Jesus Christ is to harvest human beings into the God family in the First Resurrection, and at the Last Great Day. What is required of us now to remain a Firstfruit?
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Mr. Gerry Ardis 06-12-2016 Pentecost – AM Service
This sermon addresses the various phases of God’s work. When Jesus became flesh, all those called in New Testament times have been called directly by God the Father. Now God the Father and Jesus Christ have other phases of the work, that continue in the Day of the Lord, until all phases of man’s salvation are completed.
Mr. Jon Ardis 06-11-2016
This sermon covers a reading of Chapter Two to the end of the CGF booklet “The Feast of Trumpets OR The Day of Pentecost…WHICH?” In this reading, Chapter Two: Viewing the Unimaginable, Chapter Three: Striding into the Future, and Chapter Four: Irrefutable Proof is covered.
Mr. Jon Ardis 06-04-2016
This sermon addresses a review of the CGF booklet “The Feast of Trumpets OR The Day of Pentecost…WHICH? This booklet is recommended reading in preparation for Pentecost. Part 1 addresses Chapter 1 – The Glory of Jesus Christ.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 05-28-2016
We all have trials to help build Godly character. We can learn much from the bible’s accounts of the actions of the Israelite nations. Various stories from the bible on how God helped Israel through trials and tribulations is reviewed. We can see through the bible how Israel was rewarded by God for obedience. Let us be obedient and pray to be found worthy to escape future trials and tribulations.
Mr. John Durrad 05-21-2016
Tithing teaches man obedience to God. We have a spiritual ministry of salvation and we are commanded to give tithes and offerings for His work. First, second and third tithes are discussed and how they are to be used. Tithe of the tithe and free will offerings are also addressed. We must strive to make our investments an Eternal one!