I Believe

Mr. Robert Ardis            06-10-2017   (from 07-12-2014)

God is not a respecter of persons, nor does He lie. It is then important for us to consider what we believe. We believe that we must live by every word of God, thereby seeking God’s kingdom and the promises of God. Noah, Daniel and Job have been mentioned specifically in the bible for their righteousness. Ten acts of righteousness and related scriptures are presented.

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Spirit Of Power

Mr. John Durrad   06-04-2017  Pentecost 2017  PM Service

There is nothing too hard for God! Creation is an example of God’s power. Pentecost shows us how much we need God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in overcoming. God knows when it is best to call each person within His plan for mankind.

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Set Apart By Truth

Mr. John Durrad      06-03-2017

Truth does not vary with God! We need to recognize when truth is presented to us, and also recognize when a lie is put to us. The bible is the source of all truth: past, present and future. Christ came to bring truth to the world. Is what you believe as spiritual truth, following the truth of Christ or of man?

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Is Sin So Bad? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   05-24-2017  (from 04-29-2016)

It is an error to think that a little sin is not bad, as each sin has a multiplying effect, which makes it easier to sin again. To avoid the consequences of sin, we must realize that sin is the breaking of God’s spiritual laws. This sermon discusses:  What is sin?, Where did sin come from?, Who many define sin?, and Is sin so bad?

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Why Will Some Not Believe?

Mr. Robert Ardis      05-20-2017   (from 05-04-2013)

Herbert W. Armstrong searched diligently for the foundation of truth in the Bible, through the mind of Christ working within him. HWA knew that the true church would keep ALL the commandments of God. HWA also knew that the true church would be identified by TRUTH. The CGF is identified as the true church of God, by more than 100 new truths, that can be supported by the bible.

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Remember God’s Mercy

Mr. Gerry Ardis     05-13-2017

Habakkuk 3:2 speaks of: a) the “midst of the years”,  b) “reviving of the work” c) “in the midst of the years make known” d) “in wrath remember mercy”. Is now the time of the “midst of the years”? What work is to be “revived”?  What is to be “made known” in the midst of the years? The one question we know is God is merciful. Numerous scriptures of God’s mercy are addressed.

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Six Seconds

Mr. Jon Ardis     05-06-2017

We have been called by God to do a job! We each need to ask ourselves if we are worthy for our calling. In doing this examination we can consider the lives of the apostles, their dark moments and their waiting for the Holy Spirit that was promised.  The Holy Spirit is a precious commodity to know the deep things of God, and to be under His protection.

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