You Understand

Mr. Gerry Ardis       08-10-2019

This is a measuring sermon on how your faith is today. We must keep growing in faith on a daily basis. We know that:

  1. Under Worldwide Church of God the work of going to the world with the Gospel was finished by HWA. (Mat 24:14) and (Zec 4:9)
  2. HWA was the end–time Elijah (Mal 3:1)
  3. The “great falling away” has occurred and the “Man of sin” has been revealed. (2Th 2: 2-4)
  4. The Day of the Lord and the Day of the Lord’s wrath are two completely separate events. (Mat 24:36-37),(1Th 5:2), (Mal 3:18), (2 Pet 3:10,12,13), and  (Rev 1:7), (Rev 5:17), (Is 63:4)  We must be called, chosen and faithful!

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Are We HOT For God’s Work? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    08-03-2019  (from 01-21-2012)

Instruction is provided in the attitude we should have in approaching God’s work and the keeping of His commandments. Proof that continued growth in God’s grace and knowledge, and the zealous maintenance of it, is imperative to remaining “Hot” for God’s work. We CANNOT develop a lukewarm attitude!

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History and Prophesy – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   07-13-2019   (from  05-05-2012)

As we count down towards Pentecost, we should heed the warnings of the Bible, both with regard to the history of the ancient Israelites, and also the prophecies of Ezekiel and others about what happens to God’s people when they turn from him and ignore His commandments.

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What’s In A Name? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   07-06-2019  (from 06-27-2015)

God names things what they are. God also places His name where His people obey Him. There is a clear difference between the Philadelphian and Laodicean churches. God only uses one church to do His work, and there is only one church headed by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Faithful Witness and the CGF is the Church of Jesus Christ.

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Jason With Love – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    06-29-2019   (from 10-25-2011)

Are we a reflection of Christ? Is His life our goal? This is a measuring sermon that outlines twenty-six scriptures used in counselling individuals for baptism. Are we counting the cost of our baptism today?

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Day Of Atonement – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  06-22-2019  (from 05-09-2007)

Jesus Christ was ONCE sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God. He is the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us. He is NOT the atonement goat! Only the blood of Christ, given ONCE, forgives ALL sin (Heb 9:11-15). This sermon addresses numerous scriptures that depict Jesus ridding the world of Satan’s evil system of deception (Atonement goat) (Lev 16:18-20), and binding Satan for 1000 years (Azazel goat) (Lev 16:21-22). Both goats at Atonement represent ONE sin offering.

1 Pet 1:18-20, 1 Cor 5:7-8, Is 53:5-7, Numbers 29:11,  Rev 17:1-6, Rev 6:9-11, Rm 12:19,Rev 18:2, 4-6,8.

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The Measure Of Conversion – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   06-15-2019  (from 06-04-2011)

We must be able to measure our conversion and continually look at what part of our carnal nature needs to be eliminated. What is the measure we can use to tell if our conversion process is ongoing? Four aspects are provided to assist us in measuring ourselves:

  1. Are we on the lookout to identify a spirit of contention in ourselves and be ready to eliminate it?
  2. We must be willing to give all to the service of God. Is self being denied in order to obey God?
  3. Spiritually minded persons will not be easily offended or give offense to others. Does this describe us?
  4. We must not look to our standards in judging others. Are we measuring ourselves by God’s standards?

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Where Would You Be? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    06-08-2019    (from 06-11-2011)

Have you ever thought where you would be today without God’s holy spirit? This sermon discusses this question and how we can “stir up the spirit of God” to assist us in our day-to-day challenges in overcoming. We need to be constantly overcoming and motivated in this through the use of many “tools” available to us e.g. sermons, booklets, articles, prayer, bible study, fasting etc.

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Above All That We Ask – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   06-01-2019  (from 06-05-2010)

God promises to those that overcome that He will give us everything. We need to be an example to others of the love of Christ both within and outside the church. We must overcome our sins of omission and commission. We can use the days of the week to help us in this effort.

  1. Sunday – Seek out the sins of omission and commission. Ask God for help in stamping these out.
  2. Monday – Examine if the me, mine and more attitude dominates our attitudes. Seek out what God’s mission is for us in this life and how we can be mindful of the needs of others.
  3. Tuesday – Tear into our vanity. Examine if we are truthful and edifying to those around us. Speak the truth in love always.
  4. Wednesday – Do we want it our way or God’s way? Each day work the works of God and live in a manner that pleases Him.
  5. Thursday – Do we show temperance in all things? Does anger get the best of us? Seek to be spirit controlled and be thankful for our blessings.
  6. Friday – Do  we use fasting as a spiritual tool to evaluate our faults? Use fasting as a spiritual tool to gain insight into God’s will for us.
  7. Saturday (Sabbath) – This day is a sign of salvation for God’s people. He is expecting us to walk more with Him than ever before. Make efforts to improve our Sabbath observances and delight in this day.

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