Mr. Gerry Ardis 12-10-2016
The will of the Father and Christ will be done. When Christ was on the earth He did the will of His Father. They have confidence in us, that we with Them, will finish the job the Church has to do.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 12-10-2016
The will of the Father and Christ will be done. When Christ was on the earth He did the will of His Father. They have confidence in us, that we with Them, will finish the job the Church has to do.
Mr. John Durrad 12-03-2016
In reading Elijah’s message to the Philadelphia Church of God we recognise that this message is from God. Is there a separation taking place at this time between those who are spiritually awake and those who are spiritually asleep? In just holding fast, is it possible to quench the Spirit of God? New truth is revealed by Christ. We need to prove, hold fast and growth will come.
Mr. John Durrad 11-26-2016
Christ came suddenly to His temple on Trumpets 1997 to find His spiritual temple split and splintered. Once the full number of pillars is discerned by Christ, His power and authority will be manifested in His church. We need to be ever alert to the fact that all in the world is peripheral to the soon coming of the kingdom of God!
Mr. Jon Ardis 11-19-2016
This is one of a number of discussions to the youth of the church. Our youth must contemplate about the wisdom they have and discern right from wrong. Three messages for the youth are provided.
Mr. John Durrad 11-12-2016 (from 07-11-2015)
God is seeking true worshippers, a solid core of loyal believers. Do we know what we worship? Human nature is inconsistent, cunning and desperately wicked. False worship is a thoughtless attempt to make God in our image.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 11-05-2016
We must all ask ourselves “Are we ready to be teachers?” In order to teach we need to prove the truths of CGF doctrine and literature by the bible. We also need to keep the commandments of God, Sabbath days, and holy days with faithful diligence as we head into the next phase of God’s work.
Mr. Wallace Lawton 10-29-2016
We must prove all things by the bible, as man can be wrong otherwise. We must ensure that we are established and grounded in present truth and firmly established in CGF doctrine. Only in doing this can we succeed in teaching established truth and new truth thereby providing true leadership and service.
Mr. John Durrad 10-24-2016 (from 10-29-2011) Last Great Day – AM Service
Without God’s spirit human beings cannot follow God’s law. In the Last Great Day God’s spirit will be freely given to all who are raised. All will be offered salvation. The Last Great Day will be the greatest spiritual harvest of mankind!
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-24-2016 Last Great Day – PM Service
The greatest family reunion of all time will take place on the Last Great Day. How we as Firstfruits are being prepared today to have the earth ready for this great event is discussed.
Mr. John Durrad 10-23-2016
This sermon addresses taking a look at what we should or should not do at the feast. Four points to consider are provided. We need to appreciate that we clearly know the meaning of the feast. We must give diligence to make our calling and election sure so that we will not fail.