Walking In Newness Of Life – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   04-26-2019  (from 03-14-2011)    PM Service   Last Day Of Unleavened Bread

Jesus was the first borne from the dead. He had to live as a human being without sinning. We must not be comfortable with sin or overconfident that we cannot sin. All that we do must be to bring light to the world.

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Dealing With And Overcoming Sin

Mr. John Durrad   04-20-2019  PM Service   First Day Of Unleavened Bread

The bible tells us how to avoid sin through the mind of God. Jesus and the Father are not selfish but giving.  The bible gives us examples of  how can we apply God’s thinking in relation to others, and how to build the character of God so we can rule the universe. Questions we must ask ourselves:

. Do I really seek the benefit and wellbeing of others?

. Am I concerned about their eternal life?

. Are the above two questions why I am in the church?

. Am I dealing with my own sins?

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Building Godly Character

Mr. Gerry Ardis  04-20-2019    AM Service     First Day of Unleavened Bread

We must develop the mind of Christ and bring into captivity every thought. Jesus could not sin and be our Saviour. The phase of the work now is to get ourselves and the church ready by striving for righteousness.

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The Greatest Story – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis     04-13-2019  (from 04-02-2011)

This sermon outlines, through a review of many scriptures, how Jesus died for our sins and fulfilled every prophesy about Himself. The Father required perfection in Jesus’ life and His sacrifice. Jesus knew about and met every detail of what was required to be our Saviour.

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Our Christian Commitment – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    04-06-2019    (from 04-03-2010)

Our baptism is a covenant (marriage) to God, and a commitment to daily to walk away from sin. What is our commitment level to this covenant? Keeping the commandments of God show our love to the Father and Christ and our love to others.

Commandment 1: Put God first in all things, and involve Him in the day-to-day decisions in your life.

Commandment 2: Do not allow any physical thing (family, job, entertainment etc.) be more important than God, and do not worship any graven image.

Commandment 3: Do not use God’s name with disrespect, in common phrases,  or in swearing.

Commandment 4: Keep the Sabbath holy by planning to attend services and having dialogue with other members (on-line or in person).

Commandment 5:  Show respect for your parents in your discussions and actions toward them.

Commandment 6: Do not murder anyone in thought, word, or by actions.

Commandment 7:  Do not engage in adultery in thought, word, or by actions.

Commandment 8: Do not steal from others. Instead remember love is giving in thought, word, and by actions.

Commandment 9: Be honest in dealing with others in thought, word and actions.

Commandment 10: Do not covet the things of others. Put God’s work first and pray for others.

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With Like Passion

Mr. Gerry Ardis  03-16-2019

Do we today have the same level of diligent passion for God as those mentioned in the bible? A number of key individuals are mentioned in the bible as examples for us today. Their examples show us their struggles in being an overcomer.

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