Pentecost Vision 2020

Mr. Gerry Ardis       05-31-2020   Pentecost 2020  AM Service

This day is our day. We must continue to strive to perfection. The Firstfruits will be a select group, the very Elect with a special character in us. It is God who is working in us to be His very Elect. Numerous scriptures are discussed that support this.

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God’s Greatest Gift – The Holy Spirit – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     05-30-2020  (from 06-18-2011)

Why do we go through repentance and baptism? It is to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit – the power from God Himself! This power gives us the ability to act and the capacity to do God’s work. The Holy Spirit enables us to keep His Laws and Commandments. Without His spirit we are not His. With His Spirit in us, we have the certainty of the resurrection. We know this by faith, which gives us a quiet confidence about our future in the God family.

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Keep Close To God – Keep The Sabbath – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad     05-23-2020  (from 04-08-2017)

This sermon discusses specifically how keeping the second and fourth commandments, given by God, keeps mankind in the true knowledge and true worship of the true God.

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Yesterday, Today and Forever – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   05-09-2020   (from 05-27-2007)

This sermon covers various scriptures that detail what happened on the first Pentecost. The importance of the holy Spirit in the miracles, signs and wonders that brought attention to the Gospel is discussed. God does not change and He will use the gift of the holy Spirit and miracles, signs and wonders to get the attention of the world to the Midnight Cry in these end times.

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Remember – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   05-02-2020  (from 06-23-2013)

Many are called and chosen but few through the ages have remained faithful. Satan will try to get our minds off the Kingdom of God through discouragement, laziness/lethargy, carelessness/accidents, temptations, our emotions, and through a root of bitterness. We have been warned! Will we love the TRUTH so that we will be saved and not be drawn away?
Things to pay attention to: a) be faithful in prayer and bible study, b) anticipate the holy days, c) build character because of trials, d) attend all services, e) remember you can do all things through Jesus Christ (Phil 4:13).

Trust In God In All Things – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    04-21-2020   (from 05-18-2013)

This world will remain in turmoil before the tribulation arrives. The condition of humanity will be like that before the flood. We believe God will provide, but we should also be prepared to do what we can for ourselves, knowing that no matter what we do, God’s plans for us will occur. Do we trust God fully without hesitation?

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of Unleavened Bread – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton  04-15-2020  (from 04-19-2014) – LDUB PM Service

The Sabbath and the Feast Days of God all belong together. They tell us how to have a relationship with the Father and Jesus. If we want to claim Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf, then we must keep the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread as Christ has outlined in the bible for us. If we understand the true spiritual meaning of Unleavened Bread and do it, then we will have no condemnation and be blameless before God.

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The Life And Death Of Jesus Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis      04-15-2020  (from 04-04-2015 – LDOB – AM Service

There is much confusion in the world over the Passover, a memorial of the death of Christ. This sermon reviews ten deeds of Christ as outlined in the book of Acts written by Luke. Using this information we can set goals for ourselves, for the Days of Unleavened Bread, and for the future. We need to live our lives without sinning. These goals include:
1. Are we prepared to be “fishers of men” ?
2. Are we working towards speaking with authority about the truths of the CGF?
3. Are we working towards being able to discern spirits and to have  authority over them?
4. Are we working towards being filled with compassion for others?
5. Are we developing the wisdom and common sense of Christ?
6. Are we angry when we see sin, and not sin ourselves?
7. Are we preparing ourselves to be able to perform miracles, signs, and wonders?
8. Are we preparing ourselves to stand if evil/lies/slander is said of us?
9. Have we developed the courage to stand for Christ (faith in action)?
10. Do we have the loyalty and devotion to God as Jesus did?

Sin and The Days of Unleavened Bread – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   04-11-2020  (from 03-31-2018)

We have been given this wonderful physical festival to help us in the process of spiritual deleavening. As we not only avoid eating leaven this week, but replace it with unleavened bread, so we must also avoid sin and unrighteousness, and replace it with obedience, sincerity and truth.

Now Is The Hour – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-09-2020     (from 04-07-2012)            FDUB – PM Service

This week we keep leaven out of our houses and sin out of our lives as we strive to become perfect like Christ. Jesus Christ faced His hour when, through His obedience and suffering, He glorified God and was glorified in turn. Our hour is now upon us, and this same glory will be our reward.