Feast of Tabernacles 2020 Vision

Mr. Gerry Ardis   10-03-2020   Feast of Tabernacles  Day 1

In today’s world of ever changing events, we need to think about what God has done for each of us. We are called to be Firstfruits in the World Tomorrow.  We have the truth that only Israel will have the spirit of  God in the Millenium,  It will be a different world from the one we know today which is under the influences of Satan.

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Day Of Atonement 2018 – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis      09-28-2020  (from 09-19-18)   Day Of Atonement

Leviticus 23: 23-32 provides instructions on Atonement. A future Millennial Atonement is pictured with Christ, as our High Priest, dealing with the two goats. One depicts Satan’s false religious system being destroyed, and the other Satan himself, being put away for 1000 years. Atonement kicks off the Feast of Tabernacles in which Satan is out of the way.

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What A Day – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  09-19-2020  (from 09-02-2014)   Feast Of Trumpets 2020   PM Service

Trumpets 1997 was the beginning of the Day of the Lord. The understanding of Rev 1:10 came to Mr. Robert Ardis as a shock.  The Day of the Lord and the Day of the Lord’s wrath were discovered to be two very different events. This event was revealed step by step to the CGF. The Day of the Lord did come as a “thief in the night”.

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Overcome Diligently

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-19-2020    Feast Of Trumpets 2020 – AM Service

Considering the current state of today’s society is a reality check for each of us. This should make us think of what blessings God has done for each of us. Scriptures addressing the World Tomorrow provides a look into a future world without Satan’s influences and its problems. There will be no deception or confusion about God’s ways. We will know the truth and be required to live God’s way.

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Mental Preparation – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   09-12-2020   (from 08-15-2015)

There is a general feeling of uncertainty and we know something is coming in the world. This causes stress for many. We need to ask ourselves if we are prepared. Does spiritual preparation equal mental preparation? We need to get our mind prepared now!

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Trust In God, Not Man – Revisited

Mr.  John Durrad     09-05-2020  (from 09-05-2015)

Mankind is not doomed but has a mediator who is Christ. John 16:33. Our reward is based on how we use the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the measure of our using the Holy Spirit in overcoming. We need to gain knowledge of God’s law and then obey, understand the connection between cause and effect, and exercise wisdom in applying understanding.

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Revelation 2020

Mr. Gerry Ardis    08-29-2020

This sermon discusses possible new understanding of the timing of Satan’s fall from heaven. The understanding of the WCG was that Satan’s fall occurred following the death of HWA in 1986, when the church subsequently split into many groups.  However, further consideration about 2 Thess 2:10 is that Satan’s fall is a future event to occur now within the Day of the Lord.

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Too Little Time – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   08-15-2020   (from 08-07-2010)

Do we have good or bad attitudes? Are we all teachable, and can we touch others emotionally with the truth?

Teachable spirit questions:  a) Do you think you are teachable in every aspect of your life?, b) Do other people consider you to be a “know it all”?, c) Do you talk more than you listen? d) Do you have a tendency to interrupt people?, e) Do you make excuses?, e) Do you close your ears and mind when someone gives you advice?, f) As an adult, are you OK with being lectured/taught.

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