Meek And Lowly Of Heart – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   04-10-2021  (from 05-26-2018)

Christ as a human being did not sin and provided us with a perfect example of all of the fruits of the Spirit. He came to serve, not to be served. A remarkable fact is that Jesus was not self-confident but realized that without the Father He could do nothing. Conversion is a growth process. We must be receptive to instruction, learn from suffering and develop meekness in order to follow Christ’s example.

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Last Day Of Unleavened Bread 2021

Mr. Gerry Ardis      04-03-2021      LDUB 2021

This sermon discusses the miracles God did for Israel in Egypt as well as other miracles done by God for Israel in the wilderness and into the promised land. We must remember that God never changes and we can rely on His unchanging, powerful and righteous character, We must not forget what we have been taught.

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The Rest Of The Story – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis       03-27-2021  (from 03-31-2012)     FDUB 2021

The 10th of Nissan, the day of the “Setting Apart of the Lambs”. The understanding of Christ as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, a review of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God and special music played within the sermon – “The Song of the Lamb” by Kevin and Fawn Montgomery is provided.

You Are The Bride Of Christ – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis       03-20-2021  (from 03-09-2019)

Christ  will present His church to Himself without spot or blemish Eph 5:27. This sermon discusses how the old covenant contract with Israel was physical in nature, and how the new covenant contract for us today is spiritual in nature with much greater promises.

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Passover Examination 2021

Mr. Gerry Ardis        03-13-2021

This sermon covers scriptures that focus on self-examination. Trials are character building. We need to be close to God for Satan to flee from us. Are we cramming to be right with God at Passover, or are we keeping right with God all along and being ready.

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Forgiveness Before Passover – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   02-27-2021   (from 03-21-2020)

This sermon examines the necessity of how to properly forgive others as preparation to take Passover in a worthy manner. We all must build Godly character now in order to be worthy to be in God’s kingdom. Scriptures are provided to supply direction on proper forgiveness.

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The Image Of The Creator God – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton    02-20-2021  (from 02-23-2013)

Some say that the God the Father has no form at all, but what does the bible say? From the word of God there are scriptures that describe and provide details about the Father’s form.

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Four Stages Of The Ministry Of Jesus Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    02-13-2021 (from 02-16-2013)

Scriptures are presented for the four stages of Jesus’ ministry: as the Word who created all things and who dealt with ancient Israel, as our Saviour while in human form, currently as our High Priest, and as our future Husband and King of Kings.

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Living By Every Word Of God – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis    01-29-2012   (from 01-22-2011)

Grace and truth comes by Christ. 1. We must live by every word of God, 2. Christ is the living Word, 3. The Bible is the written Word, 4. Jesus is Truth, 5. Truth came by Jesus Christ.

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Contending For The Faith – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton   01-23-2021  (from 12-29-2018)

Why and how must we contend for the truth now? We must know the truth and explain how it can be proved through the bible when asked.  To contend for the truth we must be able to: 1) Prove it, 2) Know it, 3) Hold fast to it, 4) Live by it, 5) Fight for it.

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