Walk By Faith Not By Sight – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   07-03-2021    (from 06-16-2007)

Paul had a position to fulfil in God’s church and this is the same for us today. This sermon shows us about the grace of God to do a specific job. Five gifts of God to help us fulfil our positions are: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing and love.

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Sermonette: Mr. Robert Ardis – Faithful To The Very End

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The Life And Times Of Christians

Mr. Gerry Ardis   06-26-2021

Our Father’s plan will happen. We need to think about our lives and how close we are to God and Christ. This sermon examines stories in the bible where individuals made wrong decisions. Is it our decision to stay close to God through bible study, prayer, fasting and meditation? We need to give diligence to be close to God in these end times.

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Sermonette: Mr. John Durrad  – And Then Shall The End Come

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What’s In A Name? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad  06-19-2021   (from 07-06-2019)

God names things what they are. God also places His name where His people obey Him. There is a clear difference between the Philadelphian and Laodicean churches. God only uses one church to do His work, and there is only one church headed by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Faithful Witness and the CGF is the Church of Jesus Christ.

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Sermonette: Mr. Robert Ardis – God Knows The Day And The Hour

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Be Not Deceived By Any Means – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   06-12-2021  (from 06-23-2018)

How will God make our scattered brethern know that He has loved us? The CGF has been given His secrets: 1) The Day of the Lord, how He has already returned in spirit to discern, and how this day is different from the Day of the Lord’s wrath, 2) the knowledge that spirits can die, and 3) the knowledge of God’s 144,000 Firstfruits 4) and His plan for mankind.

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Sermonette:  Mr. Gerry Ardis   06-12-2021   Pentecost

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Tools Of A Christian – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   06-05-2021   (from 10-20-2012)

It is a waste for us not to use all of the tools of a Christian that God has given to us. These are prayer, bible study, meditation and fasting. How we can best use these tools is the topic for today’s sermon. We need to keep these tools sharp as the days of Christ’s soon coming gets closer. Not to do so runs the risk of neglecting our salvation.

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Sermonette: Mr. Reuben Lister   06-05-2021   Patience And Longsuffering – Revisited

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Numbering Our Days – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton  05-29-2021  (from 04-21-2012)

Our lives are very short as indicated in many bible scriptures. This is a warning message for the “awake virgins” that we must be ready. Each day draws us closer to the last Trumpet, the beast power, and our rewards as Kings/Priests in the World Tomorrow if we are considered worthy by God. We MUST have our priorities in order by making each day a prep day for Christ’s physical return.

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Sermonette:  Mr. John Durrad  05-29-2021  Hezekiah’s Illness – Revisited

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Crisis Point – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   05-22-2021     (from 08-19-2017)

We are to be learning new truth from the Word of God (2Pet.3:18). This is the identifying sign of the true Church (Jn.17:17). HWA completed the commission to build the spiritual temple and to take the gospel to the world. Now the commission of the true Church is to issue the Midnight Cry, warning the scattered churches of God to come to where the Bridegroom is, because the time is at hand.

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Sermonette:  Mr. Gerry Ardis  05-22-2021 –  To Serve

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History And Prophesy – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis    05-15-2021   (from 07-13-2019)

As we count down towards Pentecost, we should heed the warnings of the Bible, both with regard to the history of the ancient Israelites, and also the prophecies of Ezekiel and others about what happens to God’s people when they turn from him and ignore His commandments.

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Sermonette:  Mr. Kurt Dohn – Sign Of The Times

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When Opportunity Comes Choose Faith

Mr. Gerry Ardis   05-01-2021

We know that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. To do this we must believe that God exists. This sermon discusses about faith stories from the bible through trial and testing, as well as personal stories of answered prayers.

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Sermonette: Mr. John Wood – What Motivates You?

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Where Would You Be? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis      04-24-2021  (from  06-08-2019)

Have you ever thought where you would be today without God’s holy spirit? This sermon discusses this question and how we can “stir up the spirit of God” to assist us in our day-to-day challenges in overcoming. We need to be constantly overcoming and motivated in this through the use of many “tools” available to us e.g. sermons, booklets, articles, prayer, bible study, fasting etc.

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Sermonette: Mr. Robert Ardis – Dear Brethern

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