Mr. John Rudolph 11-16-2024
We all have asked ourselves at some point or another “Why is God giving me this trial? Christ showed us His tremendous faith and patience. He sacrificed everything for eternity. Are we willing to do the same?
Mr. John Rudolph 11-16-2024
We all have asked ourselves at some point or another “Why is God giving me this trial? Christ showed us His tremendous faith and patience. He sacrificed everything for eternity. Are we willing to do the same?
Mr. Jon Ardis 05-27-2017 (from 10-12-2013)
If we are to be forgiven by God, we must have love in our lives. It needs to come through correct motives and not from the world’s perspective which is childish. God is developing God beings with the greatest characteristic which is love.
Mr. Robert Ardis 11-02-2024 (from 10-05-2013)
The fruit of wisdom is discussed through a review of numerous scriptures. Wisdom is a gift from God to those who keep His commandments. It is a spiritual fruit that needs to be developed by His pillars.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-24-2024 (from 10-07-2023)
At the second resurrection, all of humanity will be alive. The 144,000 Firstfruit will be spirit beings. The Last Great Day will be the first opportunity for the rest of mankind for salvation. Scriptures addressing the LGD are discussed.
Mr. John Durrad 10-23-2024 (from 09-25-2018) Day 7 FOT 2024
Many have heard of the Sabbath day but most have not heard of God’s holy days and the fact that that they are in force today. In not knowing about and keeping God’s holy days, the world has no knowledge of the plan of God. It is time for us to up grade our obedience in participating in these holy days as outlined by God in His Word.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 19-22-2024 Day 6 FOT 2024
This sermon serves as a reality check on the world we live in now, and what the World Tomorrow will be like in comparison. Could it be possible that the new world could be re-created between Trumpets and Atonement?
Mr. Jon Ardis 10-21-2024 Day 5 FOT 2024
Are all of God’s miracles as told in the bible real to me? Is it real to me that God intervenes in my life? Our eternal life depends that we believe in His Word and that we work as hard as we can to become more like our Father and Christ.
Mr. Wallace Lawton 10-20-2024 Day 4 FOT 2024
Will we be faithful and fully committed to the end? This is not a church for the faint of heart. Faithful, Loyal, Constant and Truth are power words to consider in our promises to God, and to remain committed to His work.
Mr. Gerry Ardis 10-19-2024 Day 3 FOT 2024
We need to use vision and meditate on us as a chosen generation. We need to pray to be worthy to escape all the things to come upon the earth. Times are increasingly urgent. Our goal is to be with Christ in the first resurrection to come.
Mr. John Durrad 10-18-2024 (from 10-10-2017) Day 2 FOT 2024
World conditions are getting worse with serious times ahead. Mankind does not seem able to solve its problems. HWA indicated that there were three world views: 1. Nuclear war, 2. Science will provide a glamorous world, and 3. The World Tomorrow. Man must acquire God’s nature to be happy, and this will be the focus of the World Tomorrow.