Positions In God’s Kingdom

Mr. Gerry Ardis    09-26-2021  Day 6 – Tabernacles 2021

God has made all things. God is preparing positions in His kingdom. This is a present truth. Let’s get the vision: The Father first, Christ second, and His wife (the 144,000 first fruits) next in authority in the Millennium with Them.

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Sermonette: Mr. Reuben Lister –  What More Can We Do For God?

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Falling Forward Into The Kingdom

Mr. Jon Ardis  09-25-2021   Day 5 –  Tabernacles  2021

How long did it take for Satan to sin? Our human nature is on Satan’s wavelength. God expects us to remain on His wavelength. God knows we will not be perfect while in the flesh. Have we learned how to fail, and if so how do we get and remain on God’s wavelength? We must work out our salvation with “fear and trembling”.

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Sermonette: Mr. Kurt Dohn  – Your Royal Crown

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What Manner Of Man Is This? – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis  09-24-2021 (from 09-30-07)   Day 4 –  Tabernacles  2021

We currently have bad times in the world, but good times will happen in the World Tomorrow. God will be re-creating the earth for the World Tomorrow as the earth will be devastated by the activities of the Tribulation and the Heavenly signs. The earth will go through a complete restoration.

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Sermonette: Mr. Gerry Neenan  – Under His Wings

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God’s Protection – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton   09-23-2021 (from 11-17-2018)   Day 3 – Tabernacles 2021

Christ’s mission is to fight our battles, however, His protection is conditional. This is demonstrated by the five prerequisites stipulated in this sermon. We need to take advantage of this promise and meet these prerequisites so as to prevent suffering, because Christ who gives us deliverance as our Saviour fights our battles.

These five pre-requisites are:

  1. Obey the laws of God – Be righteous, hang onto the truth and don’t depart from it.
  2. Ask God daily for His protection – ask for right things in the right manner.
  3. Never tempt God  – make wise spiritual and physical decisions in order to prevent trouble, and do our part using wisdom.
  4. Exercise faith – diligently seek God knowing that He will do what He says He will do.
  5. In everything give thanks – thank God in advance, and give God thanks for our daily blessings.

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Sermonette: Mr Gerry Neenan – Millennial  Government

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Living The Future – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   09-22-2021  (from 11-22-2014)  Day 2 –  Tabernacles 2021

We must live the future daily. Tabernacles gives us the opportunity to renew our commission for God’s work. We must work to provide a powerful witness to lead someone to the truth by following Christ’s example. Fellowship is a major part of the Feast. We need to give serious reflection on God’s plan for mankind.

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Sermonette: Mr Reuben Lister – None Shall Make Them Afraid

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Memories Of The Feast Of Tabernacles And The World Tomorrow

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-21-2021   PM Service – Day 1 – Tabernacles 2021

This sermon discusses some personal experiences during past Feast of Tabernacles. It is important to consider the times we are currently in. A review of World Tomorrow scriptures is covered.

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Sermonette: Mr. Kurt Dohn  – Feast Traditions

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Why Are You STILL Here?

Mr. Jon Ardis  09-21-2021   Day 1 – AM Service – Tabernacles 2021

Why are we STILL in the CGF? This serious question is the topic of this sermon. We need to get spiritually, physically and mentally fit for what is ahead of us. We must be strong and do it! We need to know what our hidden issues are and address them. The CGF has been given truths for a reason

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Offatory FOT 2021 – Mr. Dan Bailey

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Feast Of Tabernacles 2021 – Opening Night Message

Mr. Gerry Ardis   09-20-2021

Familiar scriptures on the Feast of Tabernacles are covered. We need to remember how we found God’s truths, His church, and the blessings God has given us. Every day we need to keep God in remembrance.

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The Feast Of Atonement 2017 – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis   09-16-2021 (from 09-30-2017)

One main tool Satan uses to cause division is pride. Pride is  behind the division seen in the world, and in the church today. Pride is what is also seen by others, in the sins of the flesh, that separate us from God. Pride is the opposite of humility. If pride is the issue, humility is the answer. The Feast of Atonement is an opportunity for us to contemplate on and be thankful for God’s plan of salvation.

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Trumpets – An Appointed Time – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton     09-11-2021

In all of the plan of God, Christ is the focal point. Every aspect of Christ’s role as the Messiah is appointed times. God reveals secrets to those who obey Him (Eph 1: 9-11. God reveals His secrets about appointed times when it is needed to be revealed and to whom He chooses. We must have the desire to believe what the scriptures teach and do them.

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Sermonette: Robert Ardis – Have You Ever Asked Why – Revisited

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