All Thanks To God And Christ – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   04-09-2022   (from 03-19-2016 )

The Passover is a memorial of the death of Christ. As a human Christ could not sin. We need to desire to keep the Passover in a worthy manner and renew our contract with God. Only then can He make His abode within us, and for us to see His plan of salvation fulfilled.

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Passover And Night To Be Much Observed – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton    04-02-2022   (from 04-09-2016)

This sermon discusses how to prepare for the Passover and Night To Be Much Observed. How do we come before God on the Passover? When do we keep the Passover? How often is the Passover to be kept? Who should keep the Passover? When is the Night To Be Much Observed to be kept and what does this night mean for us today?

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Prepare For The Spring Holy Day Season – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad  03-26-2022   (from 03-07-2015)

Creation is the proof of God’s existence. The Sabbath is a weekly memorial of creation. The Sabbath is designed to keep us in memory and worship of the true God. The seven Holy Days consistently remind us of God’s plan of redemption. The meanings of each Holy Day and how to observe them is discussed.

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Not Even A Trace – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis     03-05-2022  (from  02-28-2015)

Are there any traces of the world’s character within me? Are pleasures getting in the way of my prayer life? If God is happy, we are happy, and God is happy within us. We need to continue to seek God’s will.

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Build The Mind Of Christ – Revisited

Mr. Gerry Ardis   02-26-2022  (from 02-21-2015)

In preparation for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, using examples from Holy Scripture, we are given: (1) reminders of God’s blessings and purpose for us; (2) ways to work toward perfection; and (3) a warning to beware of Satan’s methods.

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The Washing Of Water By The Word – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad   02-19-2022  (from 03-09-2013)

Passover is the first step to salvation, set as an example to us by our Father and Christ. We must develop this same self-sacrificing attitude. Learn how the whole plan of God encompasses the sacrifice of Christ.

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Which Translation? – Revisited

Mr. John Durrad    02-12-2022   (from 02-04-2012)

Proofs of the validity of the Bible and helpful information on how to study with so many different translations of the Bible is provided. Also included are some examples of glaring errors in some more modern Bible translations and a conclusive reason for the use of the King James as a main study Bible is given.

Are You Ready To Rock? – Revisited

Mr. Jon Ardis    02-05-2022   (from 02-18-2012)

Admonishment is given to seize the day and be prepared for any number of potential physical and spiritually challenging circumstances. Biblical and non-Biblical admonishment and examples of being prepared and how to get there is provided.

Four Thousand Years Late – Revisited

Mr. Wallace Lawton   01-29-2022 (from 01-14-2012)

How by inadvertently keeping God’s commandments and instructions have some physicians in the world all but eradicated various illnesses in recent years? How also can a lack of obedience to God’s commandments and instructions decimate mankind?

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