We Are On The Verge Of The Greatest Shortage Of Healthcare Workers In U.S. History

– September 28, 2021

It didn’t have to be this way.  After sacrificing so much over the past couple of years, thousands of heroes of the COVID pandemic are now being forced to make a heartbreaking choice.  Either they will have to violate very deeply held convictions and beliefs, or they will have to give up their careers.  The way that our healthcare workers are being treated is utterly shameful, and it is a stain on this nation that will not soon be erased.  And thanks to these “mandates”, the next time you go to the hospital the lack of workers may mean that you don’t get the treatment that you desperately need.

We already had a shortage of healthcare workers before the pandemic came along, and this is something that I have written about multiple times over the years.  When COVID started sweeping across America, many healthcare facilities were absolutely overwhelmed, and there were some healthcare workers that couldn’t handle the pressure.  Many ended up leaving, and that resulted in the shortages getting even worse.

Of course countless numbers of healthcare workers have been faithful to keep showing up for work day after day throughout this entire crisis, and now thousands upon thousands of them are being ruthlessly discarded.  Mandates that have been instituted by major healthcare providers, state governments and the federal government are going to force the firing of countless numbers of COVID pandemic heroes.

I can’t even begin to describe how heartless this is.

And considering the fact that we are already experiencing shortages of healthcare workers all over the country, this appears to be a really, really foolish thing to do.  According to Fox Business, healthcare institutions all over America “are bracing for worsening staff shortages”
