WEF agenda envisions an ‘augmented society’ ruled by Internet of Bodies, digital ID

Tim Hinchliffe – September, 1, 2022

The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are envisioning an “augmented society” ruled by digital identity and transhumanism via the Internet of Bodies.

Digital identity has long been on the Davos agenda and has been gaining speed ever since the official launch of the great reset in June, 2020.

On August 17, 2022, the WEF published a story by Callsign CEO Zia Hayat on its Agenda blog claiming, “Digital identity is vital element of building trust both online and in our wider economies – to everyone’s benefit.”

According to Hayat, “If we don’t know for certain who we are interacting with online, we cannot have trust. Digital identity must therefore be the foundational element to our digital economy.”

But it’s not just for “our digital economy” that the unelected globalists want to usher-in digital identity for all.

They want that digital identity be embedded into every aspect of our lives — even under our skin!

For years, the WEF and its partners have been pushing digital ID for a number of reasons including:

  • Climate refugees
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare services
  • Vaccine passports
  • Civic participation
  • Travel and mobility

Digital identity is also a “foundational element” for building a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-style system of social credit where access to goods and services are based on a citizen’s behavioral score.

When trust is broken in one area, a citizen may be locked out of participating in just about every aspect of society.

Going hand-in-hand with digital identity and subsequent digital ID is the push for a transhumanist future.


WEF wants to use AI to automate censorship of “disinformation”

TCS Wire – August 11, 2022

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed its latest scheme: they want to use AI to automate the censorship of whatever they deem “hate speech” and “disinformation.”

According to an article published by WEF, there is an urgent need to utilize “human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets” so that AI can detect online abuse before it ever reaches mainstream platforms.

The Forum says this is necessary to stop the proliferation of everything from child abuse to extremism, disinformation, hate speech, and fraud.

“Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” the WEF article reads. “This more intelligent AI gets more sophisticated with each moderation decision, eventually allowing near-perfect detection, at scale.”

The article continues, with the author stating that there is a lag between when new novel abuse tactics are created and when artificial intelligence can actually detect them. Thus, trust and safety teams should move towards incorporating human-curated AI into the content moderation process so that no such abuses can even be posted.

While such AI would undoubtedly be good in preventing the spread of child abuse material, it’s alarming that the WEF is promoting using AI to stop supposedly harmful “disinformation” from ever being posted in the first place.

The Forum has increasingly come under scrutiny over the last two years, with many waking up to just how influential the organization has become regarding global and regional governance.

Such AI-driven censorship would, of course, be highly effective in reducing such scrutiny.


The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization

– June 16, 2022

The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state.

Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own constitutions and charters of rights. Specifically, they supported lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the suppression of a variety of early treatment options, the censorship of dissenting views, propaganda, interference in the private spheres of individuals, and the suspension of various forms of freedom. All of these policies and measures were centrally designed by the social engineers of the pandemic.

Globalists, who are obsessed with societal control, decided to take advantage of the pandemic in order to increase their authoritarian power. Prominent among them was, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). In June 2020, he stated that “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” According to him, “every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

It is no secret that the WEF has focused on accelerating the implementation of central planning for the entire global population since the early days of the pandemic. This plan to establish a new world order, known as the Great Reset, was a key theme at the recent annual meeting of the WEF, which was held during May 22–26 in Davos, Switzerland.

Drastic changes to the world order like the Great Reset do not happen spontaneously; rather, they are designed by global policymakers, including influential billionaires, politicians, celebrities, biased academics, wealthy philanthropists, and bureaucrats of international organizations and institutions. These types of people support social engineering because it will enable them to acquire control over the world’s wealth and natural resources, and strengthen their ability to shape society as they see fit.


Watch– Klaus Schwab Lauds Davos Elites: ‘The Future Is Built by Us’

Simon Kent – May 24 2022

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), on Monday greeted members of the global elites gathered in Davos, Switzerland, with the salute: “the future is built by us… by a powerful community… as you here in this room.”

“History at a Turning Point: Government and Business Strategies” is the theme for the 2022 edition of the 51-year-old NGO lobbying organization founded by the German engineer and economist.

On the evidence delivered on day one at the famous Swiss ski resort, Schwab very much sees his organization at the forefront of shaping the world of tomorrow.

Unfortunately outsiders have not been consulted or invited to join the 2,500 people flown in from all around the world to be present.

Schwab was quick to praise those gathered before him in his welcoming address.

“The future is not just happening. The future is built by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room. We have the means to improve the state of the world, but two conditions are necessary,” Schwab outlined.

“The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities. That we serve not only self-interest but we serve the community. That’s what we call stakeholder responsibility. And second, that we collaborate.”

Schwab added climate change and preserving nature is something to urgently address while concerns about high inflation will affect how to look at the future of the global economy.


UK Government is Colluding with the WEF on Artificial Intelligence for The Great Reset

Rhoda Wilson – January 6, 2022

The UK government confirms it is playing a leading role on global AI ethics and regulations and that it published Guidelines on AI Procurement in collaboration with the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to Ernst Wolff, German author and journalist, we are sitting right in the middle of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and expect, in the period ahead of us, the loss of millions and millions of jobs due to the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). What has happened since March 2020 is according to a plan which can be read in books about the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, whose World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a key role in this whole agenda.

Parliamentary Written Questions: Artificial Intelligence, Standards

“The UK has a history of innovation-friendly approaches to regulation, in areas such as FinTech, HealthTech and online harms,” Matt Warman MP responded on 15 June 2021 to a parliamentary written question.

Two members of the UK’s Healthtech Advisory Board are Daniel Korski and Nicole Junkermann.  Everything about Korski points to military intelligence and Junkermann is a Mossad-linked Jeffrey Epstein associate, wrote investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore.  As for Fintech, the digital-financial complex stands ready at all times to bring every government cabinet in the world to its knees and make it compliant, said Wolff.


U.N. Seeks ‘New Social Norms,’ Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ Coronavirus News Source

Simon Kent – November 27, 2020

The United Nations has joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) to announce a global coronavirus news service, declaring the time has come for “new social norms” that seek out and correct “wrong” information.

Observing that social media is a mechanism for driving opinion on a host of issues, the two globalist organizations announced Thursday they want to “combat dangerous misinformation.”

“When COVID-19 emerged, it was clear from the outset this was not just a public health emergency, but a communications crisis as well,” Melissa Fleming, chief of global communications for the United Nations, said.

“We’re trying to create this new social norm called ‘pause – take care before you share’,” Fleming continued. “We’re equipping people, through this new social norm, with a bit of ‘information skepticism’.”

The U.N. is also encouraging social media influencers to help spread what it selects as “real news about the pandemic,” recruiting them in their tens of thousands to spread the digital messages the U.N. itself has deemed necessary.“So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels,” Fleming said.
