Russian Pundit: ‘Next Comes World War III; Nuclear War Is Coming’

Eric Mack – June 5, 2022

A Russian political science pundit says the West boasting about the continued shipping of lethal aid to Ukraine is going to ultimately lead to World War III and nuclear war.

“[The West] talks about how many more weapons are being sent and how frightening these weapons are, they don’t understand what happens next,” political scientist Sergey Mikheyev told Russia’s Channel 1, according to an Express translation. “They all say ‘terrible weapons are arriving over there, they keep coming and coming.'”

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told Newsmax in an exclusive sitdown interview in Kyiv this week that he has promised the medium-range HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) will only be used in Ukraine to defend their territory – and not to launch attacks in Russia.

“I know some of the people in the United States are saying, or people in the White House are saying we might be using them to attack Russia: Look, we’re not planning to attack Russia,” he said. “We’re not interested in the Russian Federation. We’re not fighting on their territory.

“We have the war on our territory. They came to our country. We want to de-block our cities.”

But the Russian pundit is skeptical.

“They promised not to use them a certain way, but most likely they will do it anyway, and that will lead to World War III,” Mikheyev continued. “Then we’re being told ‘calm down, comrades, everything will be alright.’

100 Days, A Grim Milestone in the Russia-Ukraine War


GENEVA (AP) — One hundred days into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war has brought the world a near-daily drumbeat of gut wrenching scenes: Civilian corpses in the streets of Bucha; a blown-up theater in Mariupol; the chaos at a Kramatorsk train station in the wake of a Russian missile strike.

Those images tell just a part of the overall picture of Europe’s worst armed conflict in decades. Here’s a look at some numbers and statistics that — while in flux and at times uncertain — shed further light on the death, destruction, displacement and economic havoc wrought by the war as it reaches this milestone with no end in sight.


Nobody really knows how many combatants or civilians have died, and claims of casualties by government officials — who may sometimes be exaggerating or lowballing their figures for public relations reasons — are all but impossible to verify.

Government officials, U.N. agencies and others who carry out the grim task of counting the dead don’t always get access to places where people were killed.

And Moscow has released scant information about casualties among its forces and allies, and given no accounting of civilian deaths in areas under its control. In some places — such as the long-besieged city of Mariupol, potentially the war’s biggest killing field — Russian forces are accused of trying to cover up deaths and dumping bodies into mass graves, clouding the overall toll.

With all those caveats, “at least tens of thousands” of Ukrainian civilians have died so far, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Thursday in comments to Luxembourg’s parliament.