Judge removes father’s custody rights to his children over refusal to get vaccinated

Ricky Scaparo – February 6, 2022

After refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, a father has reportedly lost the right to see his kids in person, one of whom is immunocompromised. The Canadian Press reports a judge in New Brunswick, Justice Nathalie Godbout, wrote in her Jan. 31 decision the revoking of the father’s custody rights was done “with a heavy heart,” but he can still be in contact with his children by use of phone calls or video chats.

Godbout made her decision, she says, because the father’s insistence he remains unvaccinated posed too great a threat and risk to his 10-year-old immunocompromised daughter, who receives specialized care for non-cancerous tumors in her blood vessels.

According to CBC, Their mother asked the court for a change to the custody agreement ending the father’s in-person access. She applied to the court last year and the hearing took place on Jan. 24.

“As the parents who are caring for [the child] 50 percent of the time, in close quarters, unmasked and unvaccinated, they are well-positioned to transmit the virus to [the child] should they contract it, this despite their best efforts,” the ruling says.

“It is no contest: the current science in the face of a highly contagious virus far outweighs Mr. F.’s layman wait-and-see approach.”  The parents and the children are not named in the 26-page court ruling.

They are only identified by initials. The new order allows the father “generous” visiting rights via Zoom but no in-person contact. If he gets vaccinated, he can return to court to ask for a change to the decision. While waiting for the hearing, the father also refused to consent to the children being vaccinated after they became eligible last November. Godbout ruled the mother could get that done without his agreement.


PGA Reporter Fired After Being Denied Religious Exemption From COVID Mandates

John Simmons – November 16, 2021

In the book of Daniel, three young men by the name of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace after refusing to worship a gargantuan golden god created and instituted by the tyrannical King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar. While we don’t have a government that is forcing Christians to bow to idols of metal, Christians are increasingly being punished for not bowing to the god of COVID.

Teryn Gregson was a PGA Tour host and reporter as of Monday but was terminated after the company refused to provide her a religious exemption from it’s testing and mask mandates for unvaccinated employees.

Naturally, a person should then adhere to the belief system of whomever they choose to worship. But when a government (like Babylon or the current United States) or businesses decide to encroach within that space and claim ultimate authority over people’s lives, they have done something very ominous: they have declared themselves to be god.

That is why Gregson’s situation is unsettling and should come as a warning sign to everyone. In the sports world, there are repeated instances of teams telling players or employees that their religious beliefs have to be put on hold to comply with what they say. This violates our first amendment right as Americans to have the freedom of religion and becomes a dangerous trajectory for how much power we allow the government to have over our lives.

Fortunately, Gregson, like the three men in Babylon, took this as an opportunity to display her faith more vividly, as well as to promote and more unified country despite being axed for something as ridiculous as this:

“I hope that we can come together and unite on this issue and not treat people differently based on a very private medical decision that they make between themselves, and their family, and their doctor, and God.”

In the Bible, the three men were rewarded for their loyalty to God by surviving being thrown into the fiery furnace. Hopefully, Gregson will experience a similar experience of salvation from her enemies in the near future.


Lancet study: Vaccinated as likely as unvaccinated to spread delta variant

Art Moore – October 28, 2021

A yearlong, peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious British science journal The Lancet found people vaccinated against COVID-19 are as likely to spread the delta variant to contacts in their household as those who have not been vaccinated.Scientists, including researchers at the Imperial College of London, studied 621 people in the United Kingdom who had mild COVID-19 and found that the peak viral load of the vaccinated was similar to the unvaccinated.

The analysis, published Thursday in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal, covered the period of Sept. 13, 2020, to Sept. 15, 2021.

It found that vaccinated people transmitted a delta variant infection to others at a rate of 25% . For the unvaccinated, the rate was 23%.

The delta variant is by far the most common source of COVID-19 disease around the world. In the United States, it comprises 99% of novel coronavirus cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A co-leader of the new study, Ajit Lalvani, a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London, said the findings “show that vaccination alone is not enough to prevent people from being infected with the delta variant and spreading it in household settings.”
