University Caught Storing Bags of Aborted Babies and Aborted Baby Parts

Micaiah Bilger – March 25, 2022

Pro-life advocates made a disturbing discovery earlier this month in a lab at the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics: a freezer full of rows and rows of aborted babies’ body parts.

Pro-life advocates with Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Pro-Life San Francisco and Rehumanize International said they gained access to the freezer March 9 after confronting university leaders about its unethical practices as the largest and most active fetal organ bank in the nation.

“The American people must be made aware of the mass dehumanization of these unborn children who are violently killed and thrown into a freezer, whose body parts are then portioned out to researchers in pursuit of federal funding,” said Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of PAAU.

This week, the pro-life groups published a photo of the freezer, which they said contained row after row of bags and containers of aborted babies’ body parts, labeled and prepared to be shipped to scientific researchers across the country.

“It is my hope that this photograph reminds us all that there are real victims being lethally oppressed by UW and traded like property,” Bukovinac said. “Fetal trafficking is abhorrent and it must end.”

Some of the body parts may have come from healthy, late-term aborted babies who were viable and capable of feeling pain. Others even may have been born alive.

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2020 with 42.7 Million Killed

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. –  January 1, 2021

Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.

As of December 31, 2020, there were 42.7 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS.

By comparison, worldwide deaths from the coronavirus in 2020 totaled 1.8 million, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Worldometer — voted one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA) — keeps a running tally through the year of major world statistics, including population, births, deaths, automobiles produced, books published, and CO2 emissions.

It also registers the total number of abortions performed worldwide, based on the latest statistics on abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Globally, there were more deaths from abortion in 2020 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined, according to Worldometer statistics.

The shocking number of deaths from abortion, in fact, has led certain observers to call abortion “the social justice cause of our time,” since the sheer magnitude of the problem completely overshadows other human rights issues.

The year 2020 also saw abortion legalized in Argentina, one of the last bastions in the world to recognize and protect the right to life of unborn children.