Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide, Killing 73 Million People Every Year

Micaiah Bilger – April 14, 2022

A startling new report estimates the world now is killing 73 million unborn babies in abortions every year.

The number from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, United Nations and World Health Organization is much higher than other recent estimates. One figure, which LifeNews.com reported about earlier this year, put the number of abortions world-wide at 42.6 million in 2021.

Live Action News reports the Guttmacher study came to the 73 million estimate by looking at abortion data from more than 100 countries between 2015 and 2019. In those five years, the researchers believe a horrific 365 million abortions took place across the world.

According to the study, 61 percent of women facing unintended pregnancies had abortions, an 18-percent increase compared to abortions in the 1990s.

However, the study also suggests pro-life laws do save babies’ lives.

Guttmacher researcher Jonathan Bearak found that 70 percent of women with unintended pregnancies have abortions in countries where abortion is “broadly legal,” compared to 50 percent in countries where abortions are restricted or banned, according to Live Action.

“This study adds to the body of data which shows that an important reason behind the long-term decline in the U.S. abortion rate is because a higher percentage of unintended pregnancies are being carried to term,” Dr. Michael New, a research associate at the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, told Live Action News.


Sea of troubles: Tensions flare across Mediterranean as world powers jockey for power

Guy Taylor -September 2, 2020

The Mediterranean — an on-again, off-again geopolitical hot spot since before the pyramids were built — is emerging anew as a sea of division and instability, with powers including Russia, China, Turkey and Israel jostling aggressively for influence, natural resources and military advantage.

Moscow is eyeing a possible military base along the oil-rich shores of Libya. China is seeking investment deals across the region. Turkey is clashing with NATO partner Greece over drilling rights and militarized islands. Newly discovered offshore natural gas deposits have nations scrambling to stake their claims.

Even the Trump administration on Wednesday partially lifted an arms embargo with Cyprus in what was widely interpreted as a shot across Turkey’s bow.

Analysts generally agree that NATO is failing to ease regional tensions. The U.S., despite multiple interests, lacks leverage in many of the disputes, with President Trump accelerating a U.S. pullback begun under President Obama that opened a power vacuum that others are now scrambling to fill.

While a range of unsavory players are making moves — Iran, Hezbollah and the Islamic State are among those seeking to exploit the situation — many in Europe and Washington are pointing the finger at Turkey for escalating the crisis by threatening to use force to take possession of natural gas finds beneath a string of Mediterranean islands that most in Europe say belongs to Greece.

The two NATO member states are now locked in a dangerous maritime standoff that is shaking the alliance to its core, with mediation attempts by Germany and others in the European Union so far going nowhere while the Trump administration warily monitors the situation.


OUCH! Giant Asian Hornets that can ‘kill with a single sting’ to invade virus-stricken US

Kassidy Vavra, Henry Pettit – April 9, 2020

GIANT Asian hornets that have begun to invade the coronavirus-stricken U.S. may cost the economy millions of dollars a year.

The insects, which can kill with a single sting, may have a devastating impact on the already dwindling honeybee population in the U.S.

Experts estimate the pests may cause America a staggering $29.3 million as they invade.

The invasion is projected as a coronavirus-stricken U.S. is already facing economic setbacks.

Millions are out of work – with nearly 17 million applying for unemployment in the last three weeks alone – as more than 432,000 cases of the virus have been confirmed in the U.S. alone.

Many experts have warned of a looming recession, as businesses have been forced to shutter their doors due to stay-at-home orders.

Asian hornets are similar to European hornets that live in the U.S., but they are not native to America.

They are large insects measuring almost 2in long, originally from Southeast Asia, that prey on small creatures – especially bees.

Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom.
