China: U.S. Troops in Taiwan ‘Could Trigger a War’

Frances Martel – October 28, 2021

China’s government-run media have responded to President Tsai Ing-wen’s revelation of an American military presence in Taiwan explosively, warning on Thursday that those troops could “trigger a war.”

An alleged political “expert” quoted in the state propaganda outlet Global Times urged the Communist Party to attack both Taiwan and the United States, making moves “like ‘slamming nails into the hands of the U.S. and Taiwan to make them hurt.’”

The Global Times itself, in an editorial, described democratically elected Taiwanese officials as “quenching their thirst with poison” by relying on American support.

Taiwan is a sovereign nation and free society run through a democratic system. China falsely claims Taiwan as a “province” despite Beijing historically never having control over the island. The Communist Party forces all countries, including the United States, seeking diplomatic relations with Taiwan to disavow Taiwan’s sovereignty. Washington has traditionally supported Taiwan by allowing it “representative offices” it cannot refer to as consulates or embassies on U.S. soil, as well as selling weapons to the Taiwanese military.

Last week, President Joe Biden said America would become involved militarily in any Taiwan-China clash, prompting the White House to rapidly issue a statement walking back his claim.

Tsai, who became Taiwan’s first president on a wave of anti-communist sentiment, told CNN in an interview published Wednesday that American forces are present on the island. She asserted that these troops were “not as many as people thought.” America does not have any official military presence in Taiwan.

“We have a wide range of cooperation with the US aiming at increasing our defense capability,” she continued.

China Media Says Risk of War With Taiwan Rising, Despite President’s Conciliatory Speech

– October 12, 2020

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said Saturday that the island democracy is strengthening its defenses against a potential Chinese invasion, but also called for “meaningful dialogue” with Beijing, which claims the country as its own territory.

Tsai—leader of the pro-independence, liberal Democratic Progressive Party and re-elected for a second term in January—took a soft, conciliatory tone in her speech to mark Taiwan’s National Day. The address came after a month of Chinese military exercises in the Taiwan Strait, which separates the two countries.

But Chinese state-backed media was dismissive of Tsai’s appeal to diplomacy, with the nationalistic Global Times newspaper leading the criticism. The newspaper said Tsai had tried to “fool” the world with her speech, and declared that the risk of war has risen “sharply” in recent months.

The Chinese Communist Party claims ownership of Taiwan under its “One China” policy, and has vowed to take control of the island by force if diplomatic means fail. Taiwan—officially called the Republic of China—has been independent since the end of the Chinese Civil War as the last bastion of the defeated nationalist forces.

But Global Times—owned by the People’s Daily newspaper, which is the official publication of the CCP—said the regional situation “has been seriously deteriorating” in an editorial published Sunday.

Global Times accused Tsai of “utilizing the idea of facilitating dialogue as an ‘olive branch’ as a delaying tactic, attempting to deceive the international community for sympathy,” and dismissed her administration as “a gaggle of opportunistic politicians.”

Taiwan Holds Drills to Beat Back Chinese Invasion

TruNews – July 16, 2020

Taiwan’s military held a joint air-sea-land live-fire exercise today aimed at simulating the repulsion of an invading Chinese force.

Approximately 8,000 personnel participated in the annual Han Kuang drills, which included American-made F-16 and domestically produced Ching-kuo fighter jets, and tanks. They defended a small strip of coastal land near Taichung.

Afterward, President Tsai Ing-wen praised the military, saying it had proved its determination to defend the island nation:

“The Han Kuang exercises are a major annual event for the armed forces, evaluating development of combat abilities. Even more, it lets the world see our determination and efforts to defend the country’s territory.

“As I have said, national security does not rely on bowing and sraping but on solid national defense. All our officers and soldiers are the core of that.”

She also expressed “grievous pain” over the death of two officers who were killed in a helicopter crash during a combat-readiness mission connected to the Han Kuang exercises. The officers’ helicopter crashed after catching on fire.

Tsai also vowed to continue to reform the Taiwanese military.