WEF agenda envisions an ‘augmented society’ ruled by Internet of Bodies, digital ID

Tim Hinchliffe – September, 1, 2022

The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are envisioning an “augmented society” ruled by digital identity and transhumanism via the Internet of Bodies.

Digital identity has long been on the Davos agenda and has been gaining speed ever since the official launch of the great reset in June, 2020.

On August 17, 2022, the WEF published a story by Callsign CEO Zia Hayat on its Agenda blog claiming, “Digital identity is vital element of building trust both online and in our wider economies – to everyone’s benefit.”

According to Hayat, “If we don’t know for certain who we are interacting with online, we cannot have trust. Digital identity must therefore be the foundational element to our digital economy.”

But it’s not just for “our digital economy” that the unelected globalists want to usher-in digital identity for all.

They want that digital identity be embedded into every aspect of our lives — even under our skin!

For years, the WEF and its partners have been pushing digital ID for a number of reasons including:

  • Climate refugees
  • Financial services
  • Healthcare services
  • Vaccine passports
  • Civic participation
  • Travel and mobility

Digital identity is also a “foundational element” for building a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-style system of social credit where access to goods and services are based on a citizen’s behavioral score.

When trust is broken in one area, a citizen may be locked out of participating in just about every aspect of society.

Going hand-in-hand with digital identity and subsequent digital ID is the push for a transhumanist future.
