First time since 2nd Temple: Rabbis convene to implement Biblical law on Temple Mount [Watch]

– November 18, 2021

In a historic moment and under the protection of the Israeli police, the ‘Rabbis of the Temple Mount’ gathered for talks on Tuesday on the Temple Mount.

The Rabbis of the Temple Mount will convene every month to discuss Torah law, its significance, and its implementation on the Temple Mount in our time. The assembly will discuss what Biblical commandments became applicable in recent years. This is a hot topic as an increase in Jewish visitation have made the pilgrimage onto the Mount along with the daily prayers that take place on the holy site.

The discussions touched on the blessings to be recited on the Temple Mount. Participants included Head of the Temple Institute Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, The head of the Temple Mount Yeshiva Rabbi Eliyahu Webber, The head of the Temple Mount Colel Rabbi Elisha Wolfson, Rabbi Shmuel Moreno, Rabbi Yitzchak Brand, Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, and others.

The main issue that dominated the talks was the question of which blessing should seal the prayer on the Temple Mount: “Blessed God our Lord from the now and forever” (ברוך ה’ אלקי ישראל מן העולם ועד העולם) and which blessings are to be answered with; “Bless God’s kingdom forever” (ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד).

Rabbi Eliyahu Webber, head of the Temple Mount Yeshiva said; “This is a significant celebration that Torah scholars are sitting on the Temple Mount itself and are comfortably discussing Jewish law on the Temple Mount. We were happy to open discussions with the Jewish law regarding the type of prayer that is recited every day during our morning and afternoon prayers on the Temple Mount.” Noting the current unprecedented nature of the current status of the Temple Mount and its relation to the Jewish people, the rabbi added: “After 2,000 years, we have merited to discuss Jewish law that has never been discussed by Torah academics in all of history.”

Thanks to Trump: Pascal Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz – February 27, 2020

As per Trump’s Deal of the Century, the Sanhedrin petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to perform the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice temporary altar that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. If the government grants the permits, as it should, based on Israeli and international law, this will be the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that an altar has stood in its proper place on Judaism’s holiest site: the threshing floor purchased by King David.

For the past eight years, the Sanhedrin has been conducting reenactments of the Temple service as a means of preparing for the actual reinstating of the service. These reenactments are held before each of the Biblically mandated feasts by kohanim (Jewish men descended for Aaron the high priests) dressed in the proper Temple garb.

The reenactment of the Pesach offering has special significance as the commandment has great import. There are only two mitzvot (Biblical commandments) for which non-compliance receives the most severe punishment mandated by the Torah, karet (being cut off from the community, or excommunicated): brit milah (circumcision) and the korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice).

Constructing the altar (courtesy: Sanhedrin)

“Despite various issues of Jewish law, such as ritual impurity and lack of a high priest, Jews are still required and technically able to bring the sacrifice,” Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin told Breaking Israel News. “The only thing preventing the Jewish People from performing the Passover sacrifice is the Israeli government.”

The Sanhedrin recently performed an intense study concerning the current status of the Passover offering and concluded that at this juncture, one sacrifice made at the Temple Mount brought in the name of the entire Jewish people would suffice. The Sanhedrin held a special meeting on Wednesday to discuss the Pesach offering reenactment as well as contingency plans should the government permit the actual ritual to be performed on the Temple Mount at the proper time.

As they do every year, the Sanhedrin submitted requests for permits to perform the reenactment to be held on the Temple Mount three days before the holiday. They also submitted a separate request for the actual sacrifice to be held on the Temple Mount on the holiday. Included in this request is the plan to bring a stone altar to the Temple Mount.

The Passover sacrifice can only be offered in one place; on the Temple Mount. The sacrifice does not require an actual Temple structure but it does require an altar that is built to adhere to the Biblical requirements. Such an altar was constructed last year and stands ready.