‘The System Is Broken’: Amid CRT and Gender Wars, Expert Unveils 2 Most Disturbing Realities About Public Schools

Billy Hallowell – May 6, 2022

The battle over American education is at the forefront of political debates of late, with parents increasingly pushing back against gender ideology and critical race theory, among other contentious subject matter.

The shock, awe, and dismay surrounding public schools and education more generally are palpable enough to impact local and national elections alike. And with the 2022 midterm elections just months away, this reality is certainly not lost on politicians and strategists from both sides of the aisle.

So, what’s going on, and why does it matter?

Dr. Kathy Koch, a former teacher, a staff member with Summit Ministries, and the founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., said two key issues most disturb her about the current state of education.

“What most concerns me — that’s a loaded question — is the liberal, powerful[ly] funded agenda that is frankly taking away control from the teacher and even from a building principal and even from a district administrator,” she said.

Koch added, “There are great people in our schools and I know, as a teacher, I wanted autonomy with my second graders, and then, when I was a university professor, I was the one educated to train and teach them and I wanted to have that power, if you will.”

The veteran educator said she’s disappointed to see people who have no idea what goes on throughout the education process boisterously make demands that negatively impact children.
