Parents warned they may soon need a ‘license’ to raise their own children

Bob Unruh – November 10, 2021

A senior contributor at the Federalist, Stella Morabito, has published a warning to parents that if leftists are not stopped in their agenda, moms and dads soon could need a “license” to raise their own children.

“Licensing of parents might still sound fringy, but it’s an old social engineering dream that dies hard. And they’re busily building the road to get there. Unless there is aggressive and sustained pushback, you can count on the idea invading the mainstream,” she explained.

“So parents can’t let down their guard. They hold the key to getting through this wild ride.”

In her warning, published at the organization’s website, she cited the factors that are at issue now: the racist critical race theory that teaches all whites are racist in schools, “extremist” sex education that includes pornography, “social and emotional learning” instruction to tell children how they should feel, COVID-19 masks and vaccine mandates and more.

“All of these directives hijack the role of parents as the emotional and moral guides of their children,” she said. “Parents ought to be asking: What next? If those trends are left unchecked, I think the answer could be the state licensing of parents.”

While it may sound extreme, she pointed out that “let’s not forget that critical race theory and transgenderism were once laughed off as fringy academic notions before they burst into newsrooms, then into classrooms and public libraries.”

She pointed to instructor Hugh LaFollette who outlined “Licensing Parents” in a 1980 article, which suggested biological parent should be vetted under the same requirements as adoptive parents, with psychological testing and more.

Key was his claim that parents should not be considered to have “natural dominion” over their children.