Biden: Let boys into girls showers or we’ll withhold school-lunch funding

Bob Unruh – May 30, 2022

A commentary at PJMedia has slammed the Biden administration agenda for demanding that schools open their restrooms and showers to students of either sex by highlighting what the administration actually is requiring.

That would be that kids be allowed to starve if schools fail to cooperate with Biden’s pro-transgender agenda.

The report by Matt Margolis was headlined, “Biden admin wants kids to starve if schools don’t let boys use girls showers and bathrooms.”

That’s based on the actual requirements demanded by Biden.

That would be that if schools don’t allow the open-to-anyone access to showers and such, those schools wouldn’t qualify for the benefits of the National School Lunch Program, the report explained.

“The National School Lunch Program feeds approximately 30 million kids nationwide daily. But now, getting access to federal funds for the program will come with a huge catch: K-12 schools will have to allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms if they want to continue receiving funds for the school lunch program,” the report said.

Biden said he was reinterpreting “the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Biden’s latest proposal would force insurers to pay for gender ‘transition’

Jay W. Richards – February 11, 2022

President Joe Biden has sought to inject gender ideology into our laws since his first day in office. He might prefer a massive bill like the Equality Act that elevates the categories of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to status of race and sex. But that effort has stalled in the Senate. So, for now, his administration is looking for ways to insert sexual orientation and gender identity concepts into existing law.

The latest? In January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that would add sexual orientation and gender identity language to the 2010 Affordable Care Act.  According to the department, these amendments will ensure that those who identify as LGBT receive “medically necessary” care. This includes “gender-affirming” surgeries and hormone “therapy.”

In fact, the department’s proposed rule circumvents the law and treats dubious treatments as essential health benefits in qualified health plans. This not only contradicts the best science and medicine, it’s a disaster for insurers, for medical providers, and, most of all, for those struggling with gender dysphoria.

Sex, gender and discrimination

The rule has legal problems, but we shouldn’t allow that to distract us from the fact that it strikes at the heart of what it means to be human. To see this, it helps to keep a few definitions in mind.

The first is “sex.” Human beings are a sexually dimorphic species. With the very rare exceptions (such as those resulting from disorders of sexual development, sometimes called “intersex”), everyone is clearly either male or female. This is biology. It’s also common sense — as revealed by the testimony of every culture in every time and place throughout history.

Many people also affirm the sexual binary of male and female on religious grounds. The book of Genesis, for instance, says that God created us “male and female.”

NEW REFORMATION – Over 100 Catholic Priests “Come Out” As Homosexual, Demand Everyone Bow Down To Gay Agenda

Mark Van der Veen – January 26, 2022

In Germany and the United States, parishes and ministers also began blessing same-sex unions in lieu of marriage, with growing calls for bishops to institutionalize gay marriage.

However, in response to formal questions from a number of dioceses on whether the practice was allowed, the Vatican’s doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) made clear it wasn’t, ruling: “negative.”

In Germany, gay Roman Catholic priests are coming out, literally, and demanding that it is time for the world to see the ‘true diversity’ of the Roman Catholic church, and to demonstrate that the Body of Christ is ‘wonderfully queer’.

More than 120 LGBT priests, teachers, and Church volunteers in Germany have launched an initiative – OutInChurch – and demanded that Catholic higher-ups toss away their long-standing disdain for homosexual relationships and grant them greater freedoms within the Church.

The members of the church community published seven demands on social media under the “OutInChurch” initiative. These demands range from queer people saying they should be able to live without fear and have access to all kinds of activities and occupations in the church without discrimination.

They said their sexual orientation must never be considered a breach of loyalty or reason for dismissal from their occupation. They ask the church to revise its statements on sexuality based on “theological and human-scientific findings.”

Besides asking for equal rights, employees also put down demands that the church takes accountability for their discrimination against people of the community throughout history, calling on the bishop to take responsibility on behalf of the church.

Watch: Child Being ‘Brainwashed’ to Recite ‘GayBCs’ Draws Serious Concerns

Christian News – March 2, 2021

A disturbing video that has surfaced online has many raising concerns over the sexualization of children by those pushing a homosexual agenda. In the now viral video, a seemingly special needs child is sitting on the lap of a woman reading through a book called “The GayBCs” as the boy recites letters of the alphabet that are identified with sexual terms.

While it is unclear where the video was recorded, or who the woman is, the boy is seen reading and reciting from the book while being encouraged by the unidentified woman whose lap he is sitting on as he turns the pages and reads.

“B is for bi,” the boy states. “C is for coming out,” “I is for intersex,” and “Q is for queer” are some of the other recitations in the recording.

“The GayBCs,” the book which the child was believed to be reading from, was authored by Matt Webb in 2019. Webb, who is also a graphic designer and illustrator, created the sexual-themed book in order to allow children between the ages of 4 and 8 to begin to dialogue about “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” early on in their lives, according to an article published by the Chicago Tribune when the book was released.

The video was shared by conservative blogger Matt Walsh, a Catholic, who cited that the “LGBT Left is brainwashing children.”

Australian Christians In Shock: Ten Year Jail Sentence For Preaching Repentance

Evangelical Focus – February 08, 2021

The parliament of Victoria (Australia) is about to conclude the process of the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill.

The law has been approved by both the Lower House and the Legislative Council of the Victorian parliament and could be soon ready to be implemented.

Any practice that aims to “change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity” will now be illegal.

According to Australian evangelical magazine Eternity News, this ban includes “prayer conversations suggesting change, and counselling when targeted at an individual”.

Melbourne, the State’s capital, is known for being Australia’s region with a strongest support for LGBT movements – as seen in the Pride Marches and other demonstrations in the last years.

The law becomes a real challenge to churches that hold to a traditional and biblical view of sexuality. Jail sentences up to ten years and large fines can be imposed by courts if there is a perception that a ‘conversion’ practice has caused injuries to a LGBT person.

According to the analysis of Eternity News, the law distinguishes between general teaching and personal counselling. “Sermons and general discussion of same-sex and gender issues which might take a conservative line” would not be prosecuted but “activities which are directed at an individual, on the basis of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and have the aim to change or suppress that person’s identity” would.

The law will not come into effect right away, but there will be one-year period in which the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission will lead consultations to clarify the details of how the law would be applied in different scenarios.

Several church denominations in Victoria have expressed their concern about the law.

‘Sinister’ plan circulating in left-wing circles: Strip accreditation from religious schools that don’t comply with progressive policies

– December 23, 2020

On Tuesday, in an op-ed published by the Daily Signal, Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin raised awareness about a dangerous plan being hatched by progressives to shape future generations of Americans.

The plan — outlined in a recent Human Rights Campaign manifesto titled, “Blueprint for Positive Change” — urges the incoming Biden administration to mandate compliance with their political agenda by stripping accreditation from religious colleges and universities that don’t meet “nondiscrimination policies and science-based curricula standards” regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

The objective, which is one of 85 policy recommendations submitted by the LGBTQ advocacy group, demands that the Department of Education amend language found in the Higher Education Opportunity Act that presently requires accrediting agencies to respect a school’s “stated mission.”

The department, HRC argues, “should issue a regulation clarifying that this provision … does not require the accreditation of religious institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation standards including nondiscrimination policies and scientific curriculum requirements.”

Should the plan be carried out, it would effectively dissolve religious higher education institutions in America as many employers do not hire applicants without a degree from an accredited school.

Babin responded to the plan, saying, “Here, couched in language designed to suggest moral superiority and scientific legitimacy, is a blatant, full-frontal assault on our religious liberties.

Federal Judge Overrules Idaho Law that Birth Certificates Conform to Biological Sex

Penny Starr – June 5, 2020

Lawmakers in Idaho last year passed the Idaho Vital Statistics Act, which does not allow people to change the sex identification on their birth certificate just because they “identify” as something other than their biological sex.

Those who want to change their gender on their birth certificate because they are “transgender” or have some other “sexual orientation” had already been able to do so because of a 2018 ruling by federal Magistrate Judge Candy Dale, who said it was unconstitutional to deny such changes.

The Idaho State Journal reported on the judge’s latest decision:

Shortly after the bill took effect Lambda Legal, which represented the plaintiffs in the 2018 F.V. v. Barron case, filed a motion asking Dale to clarify whether her 2018 injunction still applies. She ruled on Monday that it does and that the passage of House Bill 509 doesn’t change that.

“The Court clarifies that the plain language and objective of the Order and Judgment entered in this case permanently enjoin (the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare) from infringing on the constitutional rights of transgender individuals by automatically rejecting applications to change the sex listed on their birth certificates to match their gender identity,” Dale wrote. “The Injunction requires IDHW to institute a meaningful and constitutionally-sound process for accepting, reviewing, and considering applications from transgender individuals to amend the gender listed on their birth certificates.”

The judge did not rule on the constitutionality of House Bill 509 or grant Lambda Legal’s effort to block enforcement of the law.

“While serious and formidable questions exist over the constitutionality of HB 509, whether HB 509 can pass constitutional muster is not yet before the Court and not decided here,” Dale wrote. “Likewise, whether enforcement of HB 509 violates the Injunction is not ripe.”