48 GOP Senators Vow Support for Hyde Amendment

Jeffrey Rodack – June 3, 2022

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., led 47 other Republican senators in pledging to block any bill that would undermine the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion.

Daines, founder and chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, and his colleagues made the pledge in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

“We write to express our unwavering support for the Hyde Amendment and all other longstanding pro-life protections,” the letter says. “For more than 45 years, the Hyde Amendment has ensured that taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortions, saving the lives of nearly 2.5 million preborn children. As you know, the Hyde Amendment is supported by both a substantial majority of the American public and a bipartisan majority of sitting United States Senators, and was most recently signed into law by President [Joe] Biden in Public Law 117-103.

“On February 5, 2021, we wrote to you that ‘We are committed to vote against the advancement of any legislation that would eliminate or weaken the Hyde Amendment or any other current-law pro-life protections, or otherwise undermine existing Federal pro-life policy.’ We firmly renew this commitment for FY 2023.”

The senators added:  “We urge you to start where we finished by making a baseline commitment to maintain the same pro-life protections that were included in Public Law 117-103, and to eschew any taxpayer-funded giveaways that benefit the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, one who signed the letter, noted it has been endorsed by a host of organizations, including Americans United for Life and the Alliance Defending Freedom.


COVID-19 Relief Bill Provides Billions to Bail Out Abortion Industry

Dr. Susan Berry – March 4, 2021

As the Senate prepares to debate the COVID-19 Relief bill, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) observed the bill provides $400 billion that contains no protections for ensuring it will not be used to fund elective abortion.

Daines tweeted a video of his review of some of the features of the measure, which passed the House Friday, referring to it as the “liberal wish list” of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY).

“Here’s one that will get your blood pressure up,” said Daines, who heads the Senate Pro-Life Caucus. “$400 billion that has no protections to ensure we don’t have taxpayer dollars spent for abortions.”

He explained Democrats removed the language of the Hyde Amendment that has prohibited taxpayer funding of abortions in appropriation bills.

“$400 billion that could be used to fund abortions paid for by United States taxpayers,” the senator emphasized.

In a floor speech in the House prior to the vote on the bill, co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), also called the exclusion of the Hyde Amendment “a radical departure from all previous COVID-19 relief laws,” and one that “mandates taxpayer funding of abortion-on-demand.”
