‘The System Is Broken’: Amid CRT and Gender Wars, Expert Unveils 2 Most Disturbing Realities About Public Schools

Billy Hallowell – May 6, 2022

The battle over American education is at the forefront of political debates of late, with parents increasingly pushing back against gender ideology and critical race theory, among other contentious subject matter.

The shock, awe, and dismay surrounding public schools and education more generally are palpable enough to impact local and national elections alike. And with the 2022 midterm elections just months away, this reality is certainly not lost on politicians and strategists from both sides of the aisle.

So, what’s going on, and why does it matter?

Dr. Kathy Koch, a former teacher, a staff member with Summit Ministries, and the founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., said two key issues most disturb her about the current state of education.

“What most concerns me — that’s a loaded question — is the liberal, powerful[ly] funded agenda that is frankly taking away control from the teacher and even from a building principal and even from a district administrator,” she said.

Koch added, “There are great people in our schools and I know, as a teacher, I wanted autonomy with my second graders, and then, when I was a university professor, I was the one educated to train and teach them and I wanted to have that power, if you will.”

The veteran educator said she’s disappointed to see people who have no idea what goes on throughout the education process boisterously make demands that negatively impact children.


Mississippi Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes in Girls’ Sports

Jay Greenberg March 5, 2021

The Mississippi House of Representatives has passed a bill that bans transgender athletes from competing in female sports events.

The state’s House passed the bill 81-28 on Wednesday to ban transgenders from competing on sports teams based on the gender they “identify” with.

Seven representatives voted “present,” while six did not vote, which counts neither for nor against the bill.

The ban would apply to teams at all schools and universities across the state.

The bill now heads to the desk of Republican Gov. Tate Reeves.

Reeves has expressed support for the move and is expected to sign the legislation into Mississippi state law as soon as possible.

The Republican-controlled state Senate passed the bill 34-9 on Feb. 11, with five senators not voting, and four voting “present,” according to Fox News.

Mississippi is now one of more than 20 states where lawmakers have proposed restrictions on athletes playing on sports teams that don’t align with their sex assigned at birth or for gender-reassignment health care for minors.


Washington D.C. Bill Allows Children 11 Years and Older to be Vaccinated Without Parental Knowledge

Dawn Richardson – November 6. 2020

On Oct. 7, 2020, during a hastily scheduled virtual meeting,1 four District of Columbia Council members making up the Health Committee2 amended and unanimously passed a minor consent bill, B23-0171.3

The bill would not only permit children aged 11 years and older to give consent for doctors and other vaccine administrators to give them vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, but would also require insurance companies, vaccine administrators and schools to conceal from parents that the child has been vaccinated.

On Oct. 20, 2020,4 the entire DC Council voted in favor of the bill 12:15 on the first reading in yet another virtual online meeting6 with no public testimony. It was announced that the second reading, which will be the final vote, will take place on Nov. 10, 2020.7

NVIC issued an alert8 through the online NVIC Advocacy Portal when the bill had it’s first public hearing in June of 2019 advising opposition to the bill, which violated parental medical informed consent rights.

Testimony was taken,9 and NVIC submitted testimony against the bill.10

B23-0171 then sat for over a year untouched and unmoved.

In a revealing statement Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7), the chair of the DC Health Committee which passed the bill, explained why the bill was all suddenly being revived and pushed through so quickly.

Gray was quoted in The Washington Post as saying,

“the hope of an imminent corona­virus vaccine gave the bill new urgency.”11

Primary sponsor of this bill, DC Council Member Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3), emphasized that coronavirus vaccines were her the main reason why she wants to remove parents from the process of vaccinating children.

Advocating for passage of her bill, she stated:

And given our ongoing pandemic and the incredible work being done to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s more important than ever I think that we reduce any and all barriers to these treatments and this legislation aims to do just that by increasing access to vaccines for minors who choose to get vaccinated but have not been unable to do so.12

If this bill passes, it is clear that minor children will be at risk of being pressured and coerced into getting a COVID-19 vaccine behind their parents’ back once it is available and added by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to the childhood vaccine schedule recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) .


New Jersey Adopts Mandated LGBTQ-Inclusive Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Standards

Dr. Susan Berry  –  June 4, 2020

LGBTQ activist groups and Planned Parenthood are applauding the New Jersey State Board of Education’s approval of their “gold standard” sex ed standards.

LGBTQ activists Garden State Equality and abortion business Planned Parenthood announced in a joint statement Wednesday they are pleased their recommended public school sex ed standards, modeled after the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades K-12, were approved.

“The new guidelines and educational requirements feature an updated, more comprehensive curriculum that includes expanded content topics, including LGBTQ identities and consent,” the press statement said.

The 2020 NJSLS were adopted at today’s SBOE meeting. We are so grateful for the collaboration between the NJDOE, educator review teams, and stakeholders for their contribution to the adopted standards. Please click here to access the ’21-’22 standards: https://www.nj.gov/education/cccs/

The leftwing activist groups framed their announcement about the adoption of the new standards in the context of the national events occurring in the wake of the death of George Floyd, claiming sex ed is now an “equity issue”:

As our nation reckons with the systemic racism and violence against Black communities that is a part of all of our institutions, including our education systems, we take pause today to consider how sex education is an equity issue. Sex education is essential to young people’s health, relationships, and life goals, and has a proven track record of helping young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy decisions about their relationships, their health, and their future.

However, Monica Cline, a previous Planned Parenthood-trained Title X sex ed instructor and founder of It Takes A Family, told Breitbart News Planned Parenthood and its allies are “cleverly high jacking the injustices of other populations to silence opposition to their sexualized agenda for our youth.”
